5 The Girl of My Dreams

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A/N: I'm going to dedicate this chapter to my blockmate JP who caught me writing the draft for chapter 6.
JP, If you ever read this work of mine, I hope you like it.


I don’t know where I am or what I am doing in the jungle in the deepness of the night.

There was a brush of movement at the bushes on my right. Emerged from it was a girl, whom I cannot see the face in the darkness. She moved with absolute care and precision, proceeding to the middle of a small clearing.

She was whispering something incomprehensible, shaking her head as if annoyed or irritated about something.

She gathered leaves, sticks and twigs from under a nearby tree and started to make a fire out of it.

“Where’s the help when you needed one?” She muttered to herself in the effort of starting a fire.

There was another movement from the bushes where she came from and from it appeared a glowing pair of big red eyes.

Whatever creature in the bushes was, it attacked the girl and I woke up from my dream.

Panting, I looked around in the dark room that I was in. Realizing that I was safe with my friends hidden inside our old high school’s principal’s office, I sat up and checked my wrist watch.

3:04 am

I closed my eyes, tossed and turned.

I’ve been dreaming of that girl for several times now. Never had I’ve seen her face, there was always a reason that her face would be covered in my dreams. But the way she moves, it was somehow familiar. Like I know who that girl was, I’ve just not realized who she is yet.

Getting paranoid, I checked my watch again.

3: 09 am

Unable to fall back asleep, I went outside and sat beside Mark who was on guard duty.

“’morning.” I greeted him

“Nightmare?” he asked

“Is it really that obvious?” I asked with a smile

The moon was the only source of light; everything seemed mythical, casted with its silvery glow.

“No, but I figured you’ll be the one to have the most sleeping problems” Mark took out his axe and started wiping it with a damp cloth


“You used to tell us you had nightmares about you-know-who for several months after the break up.” He reminded me.

“Oh, yeah. I forgot about that.”

Mark was referring to my first love. After we broke up, I kept on waking up in the middle of the night with nightmares of my regrets on my failed first relationship.

We watched the zombies outside the gates, just roaming around aimlessly.

Bored, I stood up and stretched, went back in to the room to put on my armor and grab my sword.

“I’m just gonna go for some really early morning exercise.” I said to Mark as I opened the gate that separates us from the walking dead.

“Don’t go far. Just shout if you need help, I’ll cover you from here.” Mark replied, picking up his gun.

I jogged to the nearest zombie and beheaded it. Decapitated an incoming zombie and stabbed another one. Warming up, I started to practice the moves I learned from my summers in Camp Half Blood in Mt. Makiling.

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