21 Weakness

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“NO!” Majella shouted. There was another boom of thunder, louder than the one before it. A crack and lightning, bigger than I have ever seen in National Geographic crossed the sky, splitting into several smaller but still big lightnings that hit everywhere around the clearing.

Majella pushed away Elijah and dropped to her knees beside Sam.

“No.” Majella mourned after she shook Sam awake to no success.

“SAM!” I heard Menea scream. She was struggling with all her might from being pinned down by the girl.


Majella stood up and tried to punch Elijah, but his troops got ahead and grabbed Majella by the arms.

“Why?” Majella mumbled, tears falling down her cheeks. She stopped struggling and fell again to her knees, restrained by the two guards.

“Because he attacked my camp, his friends tried to kill mine!” Elijah coldly answered to Majella.

“HE WAS YOUR FRIEND!” Majella shouted again, “HE WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND!”

“He was no longer my best friend the moment we chose our sides in the war.” Elijah said in a low voice.

Unable to control anything anymore, the guards holding Majella suddenly flew off of her and Majella quickly pinned down Elijah, pointing her sword to his throat.

“There was absolutely no need to choose a side in the war!” Majella growled to Elijah. “That was a god’s war! We could have remained neutral about it! Let them fight their own fights!”

“And then what? We’d let Zeus bully Hades until the end of time?!” Elijah answered back, unafraid of the sword that threatens to slash his throat any moment. “Your father wanted to rebuild the world anew and Hades contradicted him because he thinks that even though the mortals have gone astray, they still have hope! That they can still do better! Do you think we’d just watch them fight over the fate of the world?!”

Majella froze and Elijah, sensing that Majella’s guard was down, threw her off him. He quickly stood up and towered over Majella, lying motionless on the ground.

“That’s your weakness, Majella. You wanted nothing to do with the gods. You wanted to live a normal life because you’re tired of everyone expecting great things from you as a daughter of Zeus.” Elijah said, “You should learn to accept that nothing will ever be normal for demigods like us, especially to you.”

Majella didn’t say anything or even moved. She just stayed there on the ground.

I felt sorry for her, Elijah’s right. Majella’s actions and reaction to when I asked her if she hated being a demigod says yes. Maybe she’s tired of all the attention and all the pressures that comes with being the daughter of the king of the gods that she wants a normal life. But Elijah does have a point, Majella has to accept what we are.

“Gather them ‘round.” Elijah instructed the people who held all of us.

We were dragged and tied together in the middle of the camp while Majella was helped by the girl with the axe.

“Anne,” Anthony called out to the axe girl.

Anne just looked our way and gave us a weak smile as she continued to try coaching Majella to sit up.

“What to do..” I heard Elijah, mumbling to himself.

“Let us go,” I said, putting all my charmspeak into my words.

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