30 Curse and Counter Curses

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It’s been two days since my abduction, my scratch is almost healed now but Majella’s headache is still as painful to her as ever. Carlene’s growing frantic to find a cure after Majella shouted at her yesterday morning when she woke her up for breakfast. Majella’s been a bit grumpy and since the shouting incident yesterday, I’ve been the one bringing the meals to her, careful not to say anything or do anything that can trigger her anger to rise.

Meanwhile, half the Apollo kids have stopped working in the construction to dedicate their time to help finding a cure for their bedridden leader. Me? I’m still supervising in the city construction though I spend my free times looking after Majella and searching with Nicole for a cure.

“Majella” I whispered to the sleeping demigod.

She stirred and I put down her breakfast tray on the bedside drawers before sitting down on the chair reserved for me beside her bed.

“Majella,” I said again, brushing the hair from her face.

“Hmm?” she groaned, slightly shivering and pulling her blankets higher.

I smiled, kissed her on the forehead and closed the window that is letting the morning air in. When I turned around, Majella is already sitting upright and squinting her brown eyes at me.

“Good morning.” I greeted with the softest voice I can possibly say, remembering how Carlene ran from this room yesterday after Majella shouted at her.

“If you’re not the one waking me up in the mornings I would have killed whoever else tried.” Majella said, her voice cracking from the lack of use.

“I feel honoured,” I mocked, “You shouted at Carlene yesterday and you didn’t even complain when I woke you up for lunch.”

Majella didn’t say anything in reply, I feared I’ve gone too far.

“Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for me?” I teased, ignoring the fear of the incoming outburst.

“In your dreams!” Majella said, throwing a pillow at me. I caught it with my hand and laughed to see Majella red.

“How’s the construction?” Majella asked when we’ve settled down and I’ve placed the tray of food in front of her.

“A bit slow,” I confessed, “Half the Apollo kids stopped working with us to look for your headache’s cure and Jayson’s pestering me about you. But when I said he can visit you he looked scared at the idea.”

To my great relief, Majella laughed, “He still won’t give up won’t he?”

“You should at least give him a chance.”

“I’m not interested,” Majella scowled as she munched on her bacon.

“Fine,” I said, raising my hands in surrender. Better not to push it, I don’t want her to shout at me.

Majella ate her breakfast slowly, probably because of lack of appetite. She stopped halfway through the milk and stared at it, “You put nectar in this?”

“A little,” I answered, “Might help.”

Majella nodded and gulped down the milk before putting it back on the tray.

“Can I go--?”

“Nope,” I stopped her.

Carlene warned me about Majella asking if she can go outside for a short walk, the very reason why they argued yesterday. Carlene has put a silent barrier around the bamboo house so that Majella can sleep peacefully but to Majella’s annoyance, she’s almost cut off from the outside world again.

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