17 Majella's Camp Life

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I’ve known I’m a demigod for six years now, and I think I will never ever get used to waking up hearing loud crashes, bangs and shouts. I jumped out of the bed in an instant and took out my trusty sword. Carlene was nowhere in sight so I ran outside the cabin.

“Third monster today.” I said to myself as I see the commotion that woke me up.

There rampaging in the middle of the field is a hydra, the archers sending volleys after volleys of arrows to the monster. En and his troops are trying to fight the monster on the ground with just spears. Of course they avoided using swords because if you cut one head, two more heads will replace it.

A large fireball flew and hit the hydra.

“Want to help?” Carlene said, appearing next to me.

“I was concentrating!” I lied to her.

So I summoned lightning and it hit the hydra. The hydra hissed ferociously and spat venom to En and his troops.

“How about we do it together?” Carlene offered, seeing that our individual attacks won’t affect the monster.


I concentrated with all my might at the hydra.

“One..two..three!” Carlene counted

The atmosphere grew tense, the air tasted sour and burning then there was a loud crack and then BOOM. The hydra exploded to dust and I fell on my knees, Carlene beside me.

“That was the biggest lightning you ever summoned.” Carlene said, panting with the effort of her magic.

“That was the largest fireball I have ever seen in my whole life.” I said, struggling with my breath.

The healers rushed to our sides, knowing that we summoned the fireball and the lightning that killed the monster.

“Majella, Carlene! You two okay?!” Jimuel asked, kneeling beside us.

“Can I risk anymore nectar or ambrosia?” I asked.

Jimuel smiled at my answer and handed me some ambrosia.

“Good thing Jean warned En about the barrier.” Jimuel said to me.

“Oh yeah, right.” I mumbled.

I forgot to tell En to send patrols to the barrier because I got upset with my conversation with Jean. I should apologize for leaving her. And I should stop with the emotional sensitivities; it’s getting in the way of my duties.

“I’ll just go look for Jean.” I said after eating some ambrosia.

“You sure you can walk?” Carlene asked worried.

“I’m better, thanks.” I smiled at Carlene. “Take another rest if you can. You’re pale.”

Carlene smiled at me weakly. I stood up and started to walk to Aphrodite Cabin

“I think I saw her went to the stables.” Jimuel shouted.


I turned right to the stables and there she was; Jean has Azula perched to her shoulder.

“Hey,” I called out.

Jean turned around and Azula flew, landing on my right shoulder.

“Hi,” Jean said

“I just want to say sorry for earlier.” I apologized.

“No, I should be the one saying sorry to you.” Jean said, not meeting my eyes. “I shouldn’t have brought up the topic. I knew you’re sensitive about it.”

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