44 The Fall

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I felt numb as Majella disappeared into the gaping hole on the floor.

“Jean Oliveira,” A voice called out to me.

I looked at the goddess wearing a simple brown dress. She smiled at me.

“Do not worry, the world will always remember her greatness.” She said.

“Her stupidity, more of.” Ares murmured.

“Is it done?” I asked.

“Yes,” Zeus said in defeat, “We will make sure of the mortals’ safe return to the world.”

“Then goodbye,” I said and I ran.



But it’s all too late. I’ve jumped to the hole and followed Majella down into the world.

I instantly regretted doing it. I was never really comfortable with heights and I feel like I’m gonna pass out as the scene of Mt. Banahaw came closer every second.

Majella’s a dark figure down ahead and I positioned myself to get to her.

“MAJELLA!” I shouted over the rushing wind.

But she didn’t turn her head, instead she spread her arms wide as if she’s accepting her fate.

“MAJELLA!” I screamed again, tears streaking past my eyes.

I don’t know how I sped up and caught after her.

“MAJELLA!” I screamed again and I collided with her in the air.

“JEAN!” Majella shouted at me in surprise of what happened. She held me in arm’s length, “WHAT?!”

I just smiled at her as the panic crept up to my throat.

This is it. We’re about to die. And we’ll die from falling off Olympus.

Majella hugged me, “Hold on tight,” She said to my ear.

I know that Majella’s dead tired from the drakon fight.  She can barely stand earlier in the throne room but she tried her best to slow down our fall.

“Majella, stop it,” I cried to her shoulder as we fell. One moment we’re falling fast and then we’ll slow down but we’ll gain speed again.

“I have to,” Majella said to my ear, “I have to save you.”

I shook my head, “You can’t. We can’t.”

The earth is getting nearer and I fear getting crushed by the fall.

It’s not the fall that kills you but the force.

I remember that stupid physics explanation. And here we are, falling to our death. The forest seems to be hundreds of feet away.


“Yes?” I looked at Majella and she smiled at me.

“I’m sorry.”

And then she pushed me.

I stumbled through the air and then through the trees; the branches and the leaves hitting me, scratching me and blinding me. I finally stopped and fell down to the ground.

“Majella?” I called out as I lay down on the ground. Tears are running down my cheeks. It stung when it reached a scratch on my cheek but I didn’t care.

Majella pushed me sideways. I still remember that physics class were our teacher was discussing about gravity and such and how the fall doesn’t kill us but the force of the impact. Majella raised her hand that day and asked if a sideways fall would decrease the force.

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