28 Kidnapped

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I didn’t exactly know what to do or where to go, I just really felt like I should move. The pounding in my head continues but I ignore the pain. I have to find Jean.

“Majella, where are we going?” Jayson asks.

“And what did you found on the drawers?” Jimuel added.

“I don’t know exactly where to go, but one thing I’m sure of, Jean was kidnapped by a monster.” I said

“How did it get past us without notice?” Jayson asks.

“I don’t know.”

“Do you have any idea what kind of monster are we facing?” Jimuel asks.

“Based on the scratches I found, I have a tiny suspicion,” I answer, “But I’m still not so sure about it.”

We continued to tread the thick forest on the east, mainly because that’s the forest closest to the Aphrodite tent that the perpetrators could have taken. I kept my eye on the ground hoping to find any tracks or whatsoever that we can use to trace Jean.

“Are those-?” Jayson pointed out.


We finally found traces. But blood on the ground doesn’t sound so good at all. We need to hurry.


After Majella fell asleep on the table, Jayson volunteered to lift her and bring her to bed. As much as I want to take care of her for now, I still have some obligations, I’m the one assigned to supervise with Nicole in the City Hall construction today. But no matter, Carlene’s going to look after Majella for now.


I turned and faced Nicole. The head councillor of Athena cabin has her eyebrows crunched and was looking at her notepad on her right hand and trying to keep hold of several blueprints under her left arm.

“Yeah?” I asked, taking the blueprints for her.

“Oh, thanks,” She said, “Are you finished studying the blueprints for the school?”

“Oh, those, I finished them last night, I made some notes, I think we could still improve the gym.” I answered, “I’ll give it back but it’s in our tent.”

“Great,” Nicole smiled of relief, taking the blueprints back, “I’ll see you later at the city hall grounds.”

And so the daughter of Athena left to supervise the construction. Carlene and Jayson came down the stairs.

“Hey,” Carlene greeted to me in a low voice.

Jayson just smiled at me and left.

“Majella all right?” I asked

“Said her head hurts.” Carlene answered with a worried frown, “Must be a hangover. She partied too much with the Dionysus kids last night.”

I smiled a little, remembering how Majella celebrated her vengeance on Percival. She looked so carefree back then, forgetting her recent hardships.

“She’ll be fine.” I assured Carlene when I saw a tear glisten on her cheek, “She just needs the sleep.”

“She’s been sleeping too much.” Carlene said with a sigh, wiping away the tears, “You’re taking up the supervision of the city hall today?”

“Supposedly,” I shrugged, “But since Majella’s asleep and she can’t supervise the temple construction, I’ll just cover up for her. Nicole can handle the city hall herself.”

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