11 Now what?

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I woke up feeling cold to see Jean kneeling beside me; she was cleaning the blood off my wounds.

“HEY!” I shouted, realizing that the reason I felt cold is because she took off my shirt.

I tried to sit up but she pushed me by the shoulders so I grabbed my bloody shirt and covered myself with it. Jean rolled her eyes at me.

“You made it worse!!” she scolded as the wound Artemis inflicted on me started to bleed again.

“Then you shouldn’t have stripped me topless!”

“I did not stripped you topless! You’re wearing a freaking sports bra!”

“Then you shouldn’t have stripped me half topless!”

“You shouldn’t be ashamed of your body, you work out don’t you?” Jean asked, focused on the bleeding.

“I don’t work out; I don’t have enough time to worry about how I look.”

“I wonder how you got that muscled arms and these abs of yours. .  .”

“Those are results of my rigorous training routine to kill off monsters, now if you think I’m lying that I don’t work out, fine. But I don’t have abs!”

Jean rolled her eyes again and pressed the cloth on my wound harder.


“Do you want to die of wound infection?” she smirked at me.

“I should have let you join Artemis. Then I won’t be bothering with any of this.” I complained

“Then you shouldn’t have stopped her from taking me.” Jean said, cutting a piece of cloth from her pants with the knife and then using it to clean my wounds again. “Why did you stop her?”

“Hermes sent me here to find you before Artemis does. He didn’t specify what exactly to do with you but since he said before Artemis, I thought he meant before Artemis asks you to join the hunt.”

“OUCH! Can you be gentler than that?” I cried out when Jean put more pressure on my wound.

“Will you stop complaining?!”

Jean grabbed my t-shirt and ripped it right in front of me.


She cut it to long shreds and tied it around my waist, applying enough pressure on my wound.

Satisfied with what Jean has done for me, she playfully smiled at me and then poked my newly dressed wound.

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