19 The Son Of Hecate

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 I watched in horror as Majella went out of the protection of the defensive phalanx formation and into full view of the enemies. She shouted “SHOW YOURSELVES” to the hidden enemies without any hesitation.

“She’ll be all right.” Jimuel whispered to me when I let out a low squeal of terror for Majella’s safety.

Just when I was praying for her, an arrow flew from the trees and almost hit her face.

I was going to shout Majella’s name when Jimuel probably sensed what I was going to do, covered my mouth and hushed me to silence.

Majella didn’t react much because another voice, a female one rang out from the trees to stop whoever tried to shoot Majella.

“What the heck are you doing here?!” The girl shouted to Majella when she walked out from the bushes. She approached Majella and hit her on the head which Majella just laughed at.

“Yeah right.” Majella said to the girl as she scratched the part of her head the girl had hit ”Nice to see you too, Menea.”

“Menea,” Jimuel whispered, letting go of his hold on me.

The girl’s several companions walked into view and the phalanx formation is released. The campers greeted their old friends and siblings as it seems. Are these the demigods of the war Majella had mentioned?

I watched as Majella is hugged by a guy with a Mohawk and wearing the army’s uniform. They laughed and talked as if they were old friends and I guess they are.

“Hey Jean!” Jimuel called, “Meet my brother!”

Jimuel dragged his well, I guess half-brother because the only thing they share is their striking blue eyes.

“This is Jhon,” Jimuel introduced the guy to me. “Jhon this is Jean.”

“Hi, Jean.” Jhon offered me his hand which I shook.


By then, Majella called our attention and ordered us back into our positions. The army demigods joined in with their respective cabins. I noticed that everyone seemed to know each other. Well, maybe a few of us who joined the camp after the war were the only clueless ones.

I walked behind Majella and the girl named Menea and the guy with the Mohawk. Of course I kept my distance because I don’t want Majella to think I was eavesdropping on them.

Carlene landed a few feet in front of the cavalcade and got off Cielo (Majella let her use the Pegasus) then she rushed to hug Menea and the Mohawk guy.

So this is Majella’s camp friends. They joined in the war and Carlene was the only one who stayed in camp.

We continued on walking. But I have never felt so, alone?

Maybe I did made some friends like Jimuel and Jayson and Zhane but then, Majella is the only one I feel attached to. Like she’s the only one I actually know in the camp. And seeing her with her real friends, I felt somewhat alone.

Nonsense, I thought, contradicting my own thoughts. I’m not alone! I just feel alone because of the arrival of the war demigods.

When noon came and the sun’s heat reached beyond our tolerance, Majella ordered us to stop and have a rest.

I took my lunch and sat alone under the shade of a mango tree beside the path. A bit far from the group.

“Alone?” someone asked, I turned around to see a guy wearing several bead bracelets on his arm and necklaces dangling on his neck. He was clutching what looks like a rag doll on his right hand.

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