35 Sudden Death

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After recovering from the shock, I called out the game and had the trap removed. Unfortunately, we were too late. Jeritz cannot be saved anymore. I had his body moved for burial preparations.

I marched up to the bamboo house, ignoring the stare of the people.

“Majella,” Anthony entered the house right after me.

“We’re sorry,” Jimuel apologized. Grief covered his handsome face. I looked away because his blue eyes reminded me of his brother, Jeritz.

“I told you this was a bad idea! But what did you do? You didn’t listen to me and vetoed me out!” I almost shouted at them. I want to scream and blame them, but what can it do? Jeritz isn’t coming back.

Anthony, young as he is, started to cry, “This is all my fault! I shouldn’t have used the prototype!”

The council filed in and sat down the table. Joash helped Anthony to his seat.

“I warned you,” I mumbled, shaking my head.

There was a knock on the door and May came in, followed by Blessie.

“I want to apologize,” Blessie said with a small voice, the arrogance all gone.

“Wait for tomorrow evening,” I decided, “Reserve your apology in front of the whole ca—city.” This isn’t camp anymore, this is Ierotheon. I have to get used to that by now.

Blessie flushed red, “Can’t I just--?”

“No,” I said firmly, “You should even be glad that I’m not ordering your arrest for severe public disturbance.”

Nicole and Marielle raised an eyebrow intriguingly at what I said. Wait, where the heck did I get that?!

“Fine,” Blessie said grimly, “In front of Jeritz’ burial shroud.”

May nodded at her and she left.

“I’d like to apologize for my actions too.” May said to us, “You welcomed us here and we returned your hospitality with violence. I’m sorry if I didn’t stop my huntresses.”

They waited for my answer but I couldn’t come up with anything. Sam’s death is still fresh in my mind and now there’s another one?!

“Everyone makes mistakes, May,” Carlene said for me, “No one knew this was going to happen.”

As I stare at the blue mug in front of me, I could feel the weight of their stares at me.

“You’ve grown better than me,”

I looked up at May who’s standing across the table from me, a sad smile on her face, “You knew better than all of us here. I’m proud of you.”

May, the camp leader before she joined the hunt, the one who taught me archery even though I suck at it, the one who warmly welcomed me to camp, the one who first congratulated me for getting claimed, the one who asked me to join the council even though I was just too young, the one who consistently asked me to join the hunt after I rejected the offer a hundred times, my mentor, my senior and my friend is proud of me.

I looked around the faces of the council. Some are smiling sadly at me and some are just looking at me with their poker faces. Jeritz’ death may have brought us grief, but the way they are looking at me, it also showed them that somehow I’m getting better with my judgements and my leadership. But it’s still not enough to stop his death.

But somehow—somehow, I felt relieved. Zeus may not have been proud of me the first and last time I saw him in Mount Olympus but at least someone is proud of me.

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