7 The Prophecy

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We spent the whole day with the hunters. When night came, they left us to hunt and we returned to the school.

I volunteered for first watch so that my friends can get their rest inside the room.

"Hey." a voice called out.

I looked around to see a figure of a glowing woman walking towards me.


"Lonely?" she asked

I stood up properly and bowed down to her.

"Good Evening my Queen." I said

"Oh, stop fooling yourself. I know that I'm not your Queen." She said.

I looked up and saw her smiling at me. Her motherly aura was quite strong and was affecting me.

"You're still Queen." I said, stubbornly.

She waved her hand and a table appeared, filled with food. She offered me a sit, pouring me a glass of wine.

"Something big will be coming your way." She said, taking a seat opposite me.

I didn't touch any of the food prepared in front of me.

"Something always comes into my way." I said bitterly

"You've had a hard childhood. And I regret to say that more challenges are coming for you." she said, waving her hand and an invisible servant poured her a glass of wine, she took a sip.

"I know that already, nothing will ever be normal for me." I told her, remembering what Zeus said to me back in Olympus.

"You know, of all Zeus' demigods, you're the one I favored the most. You're strong, smart, charismatic and you're a good leader. You never hated me for trying several times to ruin your life." Hera said, looking at the zombies walking outside the gate. "Almost like the original Jason. Except he was a mortal."

"You're the goddess of Marriage, I know you only value your marriage with Zeus, and I know you only hate me for being another of Zeus' children from a different woman, why would I hate someone who's just living up to their title?" I told her. "And don't compare me to other people. I'm different from them"

She smiled at my answer.

"And that's why I like you. You understand the laws of Olympus, you're even open minded of how things run with the gods. You don't want to be like any of the first heroes, you want to be yourself."

I just shrugged. When most demigods took their sides on the war, I took none.

I watched them fight over nonsense, I tried to stop them, give them sense about what they were about to do, but I failed. I watched in the sidelines as my cousins, friends and comrades fell.

They never understood that we are different from the gods. That they might have been using us for quests, for their own purposes but we still had the choice whether to accept it or not. To create our own fates.

"Poseidon sends his greetings along with a gift."

A white pegasus landed on the school grounds.

"Oh, thanks." I said in awe, admiring the shiny white coat of the pegasus.

I made a mental note to burn a bit more offering to the gods on my last few meals.

Hera gestured me to go near the pegasus. And I did so, touching the head of the pegasus, I smiled back to the queen of the gods.

"You'll be needing him soon." She sadly said to me

"Is it close?" I asked, staring at the pegasus' shiny black eyes.

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