23 Murderous

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The group immediately grabbed for their weapons and dashed into the forest, in the direction where Majella’s scream came from. I quickly grabbed my knife out and dashed off after them.

I heard flapping wings and looked up to see Carlene passing by the trees, riding the Pegasus to get to Majella faster. I looked up ahead and saw dark clouds forming and lightning flashing. A storm was brewing.

I hurried up.

There was a roar, a deep, throaty, grunting roar. Definitely not Majella’s.

“Majella!” I heard Carlene’s faint voice ahead.

There was another crack and a slight earthquake as lightning hits the ground ahead. I heard a faint thud like something had hit the trees.

I saw Anthony stumble upon a fallen log, but I continued on running. Jeritz’s breathe beside me has turned into sharp wheezing and he fell out behind me, unable to keep up with my pace.

I too, feel tired of the running, but I have to get to Majella. Fast.

I hit someone’s back and we fell forward. But I didn’t care, I looked up and stopped.

There, in the middle of the clearing with her back turned towards us is Majella. She was radiating a blue flaming aura as she holds her sword tightly and poised to fight the half bull, half man monster ahead. Majella was fighting the Minotaur.

“MAJELLA!” I shouted through the howling wind, scrambling to my knees. “SOMEONE HELP HER!”

I fell face forward into the dirt as someone grabbed my ankle. I looked back and saw Elijah, also on his chest, probably because he was the one I bumped into. He shouts “DON’T!”

Despite the look of fierceness, worry and horror in his face, I kicked him with my free foot and he let go of me. I scrambled up but had just taken a few steps when somebody else yanks my arm back.

“JEAN, DON’T INTERFERE!” Menea shouts at me. “OR YOU’LL GET HURT!”

I looked around and sure enough, everyone has stopped outside the clearing, not daring to go out and help Majella.

“MAJELLA!” I shouted again, struggling to escape Menea’s hold.

But it appears that Majella didn’t hear me for she continued to battle the Minotaur alone. She slashed at the monster’s head and its right horn fell into the ground. The Minotaur roared in rage and surged forward to attack the demigod.

Majella sidestepped to avoid the Minotaur’s attack and I saw her face.

She looks down right ferocious. Majella’s proud and serious yet beautiful face was contorted in anger, her teeth was gritted, her eyebrows crunched and her eyes, they seemed so. . . murderous.

Majella’s light brown eyes that sometimes turn blue or gold has turned into a pair of red glowing flame-like orbs.

Majella growled, threw her sword away and began to beat the Minotaur. She punched and kicked the monster like it was just a punching bag.

Menea’s hold on me tightened as I began to struggle to escape.

Why isn’t anyone helping Majella? Why isn’t she killing the monster yet?!

“The blessing of Ares”

I looked to my left and saw Carlene being restrained by several war demigods. She was clutching her knife so hard her knuckles have turned white. Blood was dripping from her head, her right cheek was red and her lip was busted.

Majella laughed, a throaty laugh as the Minotaur fell on its knees. It doesn’t sound like her at all. The hairs on my arm stood up.

Majella calmly picked up the Minotaur’s horn on the ground. She laughs again as she waits for the dazed monster to stand up so that she can finally give it its final blow.

There was a boom, a flash, a crack. Lightning hit Majella as she thrusts the horn to the Minotaur’s chest. The monster roared and disintegrated to dust.

The winds died down.

Majella turned around to face us. Her expression softens and her blue aura fades. Her eyes too, slowly returned to normal brown. She smiles at us. Majella's real, genuine and sincere smile.

Majella’s knees buckles and we rushed forward to catch her.

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