13 New Friends?

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Azula guided me through the path before leaving me when the village came into view. I wonder what Maria Makiling and Majella are talking about. Is it true that I’m the demigod in the prophecy?

While I stood there, debating whether I should continue to the village and maybe talk to En or dash back to the clearing to talk to Majella, the braided girl from earlier came out of the woods to my right and pinned me to the nearest mango tree with her knife on my throat.

“Who are you?” she growled, her face inches away from mine.

Does every demigod have to be so intimidating?

“Jean Oliveira, daughter of Aphrodite.” I answered, I added in the Aphrodite part because I remember En introducing himself as an Ares kid and that felt kind of important.

The girl’s expression softened a bit, but she was still glaring at me.

“Why are you with Majella?” she asked.

“She was my classmate back in high school. She found me yesterday.” I answered truthfully.

Her expression turned into what look like surprise.

“How long have you known each other?”

“I…uh…five?” I answered. I don’t really feel comfortable to do a quick math when there’s a knife threatening to slash my throat.

“She’s known you that long and never brought you here to camp?” she asked, her expression turning to curiosity.

“We never knew I was a demigod until yesterday.”

“Then, how-?”

“Hermes sent her to find me. And Artemis herself confirmed it.”

“Hermes sent her and Artemis talked to you? Why?” her expression changed from curiosity into interest. 

“I don’t know.” I lied. “Artemis tried to recruit me to the hunt.”

She observed me for a whole minute before finally letting me go.

“I’m Carlene Belmonte.” She said, offering her hand.

I reluctantly took it with a smile (yeah well, she interrogated me with a knife on my throat!). But I made a mental note to be careful around her, her sudden interest on my situation is kinda suspicious.

“So do you want a tour around camp? I can show you around.” Carlene offered.

“Sure, I uhh.. Thanks?”

We started walking to the odd collection of houses.

“These are the cabins. Cabin 1 for the Zeus kids, that’s where Majella stays when she stays here for summer,” Carlene pointed to a marble house with pillars in front like a house sized Parthenon, the front door is inscribed with a lightning bolt.

“The one to its left is Hera’s Cabin, that’s number 2. But no one stays there, it’s more of honorary because you know, she’s very loyal to her husband Zeus. The one on the right is Poseidon’s,” Carlene continued.

Hera’s cabin looked like a smaller version of Zeus cabin except that a peacock is inscribed on the door than a lightning bolt. Poseidon’s cabin on the other hand looks like a seaside shack with nets and fishing rods adorning the walls. A trident rested beside the door.

“The Olympians.” I said.

“Yeah, the gods on the right hand side of Zeus’ and the goddesses on the left.” Carlene pointed out.

“But aren’t there only 12 Olympians? What are those others?” I asked referring to the other half of the circle.

“Those cabins house the children of minor gods.”

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