31 Relieved

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After the green lights faded from Majella’s room, Ron and Carlene went out looking ruffled but satisfied.

“She’s fine now,” Carlene said before I could even ask, “She’s just got to take everything slow. She’s sleeping.”

I sighed in relief and went downstairs with them.

“I’ll go report Majella’s healing to the other head councillors,” Ron volunteered on the way out of the house, “ And then I’ll sleep until tomorrow so prepare me a nice breakfast.”

“Yeah right,” Carlene answered, slumping on the couch in the living room, “You okay with rotten eggs?”

Ron glared at her and Carlene laughed at him. “I’m sure Jean here will make you a nice breakfast.”

Ron looked at me and I smiled, “Yeah, I’ll do that.”

So, Ron left the house and I sat beside Carlene. “She won’t be grumpy anymore?”

“Yeah, Majella will be back to normal by dinner.” Carlene said with closed eyes, “Though she’ll black out if stressed so I suggest she don’t do any work for a week until she’s fully recovered.”

I nodded, hopefully I could properly apologize to her tonight.

“Can I--?”

But Carlene has already fallen asleep. I smiled at how peaceful she looks, put a throw pillow beside her –which she hugged tightly and left her there sleeping. I went back to the city temple to supervise it, just so I have something to take my mind off Majella.

On my way to the temple site, I passed by the Hephaestus tent and caught a glimpse of their head councillor busy programming something in his laptop.

“Anthony!” I called.

“Oh, hey Jean!” He smiled back at me, “Where’s Majella? I heard she’s better now.”

I smiled at how fast the news spread. “Carlene made her sleep. But she’ll be almost back to normal by dinner tonight.”

Anthony nodded and closed his laptop to properly face me, “So, what brought you here?”

“Well, Carlene said Majella will have to take everything back slow for a week until she fully recovers because she’s prone to blacking out if stressed.”

“Oh. I thought she’s all fine now.”

“Yeah and I think she’ll be bored if she’s not allowed to work yet.” I said, “So, can I ask if you can make her another cube?”

“That’s easy,” Anthony straightened up.

“Can you make her a 6x6 cube?” I asked, “En said she hasn’t tried one of those yet.”

“No biggie,” Anthony said, thumbs up, “I’ll give it to you before dinner.”

“Thanks Anthony.”

“It’s for the boss,” Anthony winked.

I continued on to the city temple with higher spirits. Majella will be back to normal now.

“Jean!” Percival waved at me from the nearest water canal.

I waved back at him and continued on walking, I noticed that everyone else seemed in higher spirits too. We are all relieved from the worry of Majella’s headache.

When dinner finally came, we gathered around the campfire and waited as Percival and Menea fetched Majella from the bamboo house.

“Finally,” Jayson sighed beside me.

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