22 The Cause of the War

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Carlene and Marielle came at the backs of Cielo and another Pegasus, they landed at the camp’s clearing a few minutes later after Majella left.

“What happened?” Carlene frantically asked, “We saw lightning.”

“Elijah?” Marielle asked, identifying the group of war demigods.

“Marielle!” Percival shouted, rushing to hug the girl.

“Percival! You’re alive!” Marielle exclaimed, tears were falling down her cheeks in relief.

“They found me and Anne.” Percival explained, grinning.

“Where’s Majella?” Carlene asked, ignoring the greetings of the other group of war demigods and searching for any sign of the daughter of Zeus.

“Is that-?” Marielle asked, she too was looking around for any signs of Majella when she saw Sam’s body at the middle of the clearing.

“Sam?” Carlene immediately ran to the son of Hermes’ lifeless body, Marielle behind her.

“Carlene, Marielle..” Menea called out when the two girls began to cry.

“WHO KILLED HIM?!” Carlene hissed angrily.

No one answered, and Carlene stood up from Sam’s side and glared at everyone in the group. She saw me standing alone beside the woods and away from the demigods.

“JEAN!” she called out to me. “WHAT HAPPENED HERE?! WHERE’S MAJELLA?”

I stood there frozen as Carlene took out her knife and threateningly brandished it at me.

“I killed Sam,” Elijah’s voice rang out. He stepped from out into the group and faced Carlene and Marielle’s angry looks.

Marielle punched him and he fell into the ground. “WHY?!”

“We saw him interrogating Jeritz and we attacked.” Menea explained.

“But we’re fine now.” The girl who I fought with earlier said, “Majella and Jean talked us into peace.”

“But where’s Majella?” Carlene asked again, worry etched in her beautiful face.

“In the woods,” I said with a low voice, “She left.”

“No, Carlene!” Menea shouted as Carlene attempted to run into the woods where I have been staring earlier. “Give her some space!”

“She needs me!” Carlene struggled from Menea’s hold.

And that was when I realized how close Carlene and Majella really were. They were best friends, and I’m just a friend to Majella. To think that I tried to follow her and comfort her when I cannot do anything for Majella! Carlene should go and find her, but why are Menea stopping her?

“She’ll be fine.” Percival insisted.

Carlene stopped struggling and instead looked at Sam’s body then broke down, crying.

I dunno how to describe the events. Carlene and Marielle are torn into happiness for finding the other war demigods and mourning over Sam’s death while Carlene obviously shows signs that she’s just looking for a way to escape and follow after Majella into the woods. Janine volunteered to ride Cielo back into the cavalcade to report to En about what happened. And I just stayed there, away from the group.

I was pondering over what happened. My lack of experience with the knife, because I was easily pinned down by that girl. Maybe, just maybe if I was a bit better, I could have helped Majella stop the fight and Sam could have been saved. But I’m just like this, weak.

So many things were swarming my mind, Sam’s death, Majella’s weakness and her departure, the war demigods.


I looked up and saw the guy named Jeritz smiling tiredly at me. He had bruises all over him.

“Can I sit with you?” he asked, I noticed his accent. "I'm tired with them talking about what happened."

“Sure.” I just said.

Jeritz sat beside me and let out a sigh.

“I’m Jeritz by the way,” he introduced, “Daughter of Apollo.”

I almost gagged with the ‘daughter of Apollo’ that he said. So that explains the accent, he’s gay.

“Something wrong with that?” he asked, eyebrows raised at me.

“You’re the first gay demigod I met.” I just said with an apologetic smile.

Jeritz just looked into the direction where Majella disappeared.

“You must be new,” Jeritz started, “I haven’t seen you around camp before we left.”

“Majella found me a few days ago.”

Jeritz nodded and looked at me. His eyes were a deep set of blue. What a waste, he could have been a handsome guy if he wasn’t gay. But oh well, I respect him. Love is love, no matter who or what you are.

“She’s a great girl, ain’t she?”


“She helped me one time before she left for college.”

I nodded; it seems that almost every demigod in camp knows her.

“Why did you leave to fight in the war?” I suddenly asked.

“Because I felt like I have to.”

I gave Jeritz a confused look.

“No one told you the real reason of the war?” Jeritz asked.

“Majella mentioned some of the older campers leaving to fight in the war but she didn’t say why.” I just said.

“It’s more than just a mortal’s war.”Jeritz started. “Zeus thought the mortals as they are now are just, you know, helpless.”

“So he suggested that the Olympians purge the world and start all over again?” I asked, remembering what Elijah said earlier.

“Yeah, and Hades thought otherwise.”

“So which side did you chose?”

Jeritz gave me a weak smile, “I sided with Zeus.”

I was horrified with what he said. I thought that the mortals aren’t that bad. But then, he’s entitled to his own opinions.

“Then Elijah and his troops decided to side with Hades?” I asked.


I nodded, then Sam, Menea and the others that we have met on our way to Banahaw are those who thought that we should start all over again. Maybe that’s why it was so easy for them to swear to help us in the construction of the city that we were going to build. That was what they want, to start the world anew.

“Did the other Olympians chose their sides too?” I asked again, wondering about Aphrodite.

“Oh, they did.” Jeritz answered, “Hephaestus, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, Apollo and Ares sided with Zeus. While Hera, Dionysus, Demeter, Hermes and Poseidon sided with Hades.”

“And Zeus won this war because he got what he wants?” I asked.

“Most likely, yes.” Jeritz answered, “Hades opening the Underworld was a bad idea. Made them send Apollo’s solar flare to burn and purge the world.”

I shuddered, remembering that day of the solar flare. I was out hiding in the alleys when the flare came, I closed my eyes because of the flash and when I opened my eyes to look around, everything was gone except for that one building that Majella had found me in.

Suddenly we heard a distant scream from the woods, a loud boom of thunder and a crack of lightning flashed across the sky.


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