| Dean Ambrose | One Shot | Valentine's Day

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You stood on the side walk as you patiently waited for Dean to reappear. You leaned your back against the restaurant wall, the light breeze fanning its way through your hair. You watched as couples walked by you with ditsy and absentminded smiles on their faces, and you just wished your boyfriend would stop stressing so much so you could have a good time tonight. Seconds later, Dean was in front of you, a huge frown on his face.

"Any luck?" You asked with slight hope, but you already knew the answer.

"No, I'm such an idiot." He sighed, shaking his head. You could see how angry he was at himself.

"At least you're my idiot." You gave him a small smile as you went in for a kiss, but he ducked out of it. "Hey!" You pouted, crossing your arms across your chest playfully as you eyed him.

"I don't deserve it, I should have listened to you." You couldn't argue with him there, you'd been telling Dean for almost two weeks that if he wanted a table on Valentine's Day, you'd have to book in advance. Now, here you were, five restaurants later and no closer to feeding your hunger that was continuing to grow.

"How about over there?" You pointed to the run down diner across the road, a big neon sign in the window advertising that they were open.

"Don't joke, you deserve a lot more than some greasy diner." He huffed, making his way back to his black truck.

"Dean Ambrose, stop right there!" He rolled his eyes, turning back to you. "Who said I wanted expensive anyway? Hell, we're wrestlers from Cincinnati, we don't even do fancy!" You grabbed his arm and pulled him across the road with you. When you entered the diner, you were glad to see it was quiet, only gaining a few stares for your over the top clothing. You found a booth straight away, ordering for you and Dean without even consulting him. You knew him too well to fuss about with menus. The food was placed in front of you and you were about to dig in when you noticed Dean staring at you. "What?"

"I'm just wondering how I got so lucky." A warm smile played on his lips as his eyes stared at you with love and admiration. It wasn't often that Dean got all mushy-gushy; the both of you usually communicated your love for one another via gestures and displays of affection. You guessed it was Valentine's Day in general that was making him act so open.

"Shut up and eat your food, Ambrose." You returned the smile before biting down on your cheeseburger, hoping it would hide the blush creeping into your cheeks.

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