| Seth Rollins | Imagine | Look At Me

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"Seth, can you please look at me?" you asked.

You and the boys had just gotten back from a particularly nasty tag team match, resulting in some bruised ribs that needed bandaging along with some horrible bruises that would take weeks to go away. You were taken hostage in your match against Bray Wyatt, Kane, Big Show, and Paige, the Demon knowing that you were the way to get to Seth; you were his weakness.

After something like this, Seth would push you away; knowing that this was his fault. You were preparing yourself for it now. You didn't know how long you would be able to take the cold shoulder, not to mention the empty bed and the weeks without even a single touch from him. You hated it, you were always the one to get hurt. As a person, you were clumsy, as a wrestler, you were even worse. You were surprised Seth stuck around with you this long.

"I am looking at you. Someone has to patch you up, remember?" he said coldly.

You stayed silent as he finished wrapping you up. Your mind going into overdrive over what you were going to do. You loved Seth, and you were sure he knew that even if you hadn't voiced those three words, and the thought of leaving him hurt, but what if it was for the best?

"All done," he voiced. He sat still in his chair.

"Seth, I was thinking. Maybe we should face reality here," you started. He avoided your gaze. "I know I'm not the best wrestler, and I'm clumsy as hell. But I'm tired of putting you and the boys at risk. I'm your weak spot, Seth, and you can't afford it."

"What are you getting at here?"

"I'm saying, maybe it's time I go back to the Diva's division by myself. It's for the best, isn't it? I can pack up my Shield stuff and start catching rides with some of the girls," you whispered, trying to choke back your tears. "I can't keep putting you guys in danger."

"I can't. I don't wanna do that," he said firmly. "I'm not letting the best part of my life walk out on me."


"I don't care that you're my weak spot, hell I'm damn lucky you're my weak spot. I can't live without you, Y/N. There are other ways to fix this other than you leaving. The boys and I could teach you some of our move, or if you felt more comfortable at commentary, we could out you there, but I'm not letting you go, not without putting up a fight."

A tear slipped down your cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too," he smiled before cupping your bruised cheek, pressing his lips softly on yours.

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