When He's Worried About Your Habits

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You sat in bed next to Dean, the whole room dark. Every cell in your body told you to sleep, but you couldn't. You grab your phone from the nightstand next to you. Girls everywhere were talking about you and you just want to defend yourself to all of them. You flip through screens of apps before pressing twitter. As soon as the little white bird was on the screen, Dean's head popped over your shoulder.

"Y/N, stop reading that." Dean groaned from the bed next to you. He grabbed your phone and pushed down the front of his shorts.

"You think I wont grab it?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"That's not the point, you should stop reading that stuff. I don't want it to get to you." He worried, his hands finding your waist.

"Dean, I wont let it get to me." You reassured reaching for the phone.

"Y/N, it gets to everyone. It gets to me, the guys, everyone. Please just don't read that stuff all the time, anymore." You could feel his dark eyes boring a hole in you, waiting for a response.

"Ok," You grumbled pressing your lips to his, hearing him sigh with content when you kissed him.

"In the mean time, I think we both could use some rest." He whispered against your lips, pulling away and pulling you into his chest. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, taking in everything that was Dean, and for once, you weren't worried about what Dean's fans said about you on social media.


You took another drink from the bottle Seth had stashed in your hotel's kitchen. You could feel it taking affect. Your whole body gets warm as you fall back onto the couch. Your arms are a little bit heavier than they were before. You could hear the front door unlock as Seth walked in.

"Seeetthh," You blurted from the couch with your arms open wide in his direction. His eyebrows furrowed as he walked to your side.

"Have you been drinking?" He asked and reached down, pulling you up by the waist.

"A little." You admitted sheepishly. You stumbled a bit when he let you go.

"You're completely wasted, Y/N. You can't keep drinking like this. Every day for the last week you have been drunk before I get home. It's only like 7." The look on his face said it all. He looked so worried and disappointed.

"I'm sorry Seth," You slurred, walking toward him.

"Yeah, Y/N just go to bed. You need to sober up." He walked behind you, his hands on your waist, leading you to the room. "Please don't drink like this anymore. I want you to be healthy." He kissed you on top of your head.

"Ok." You whispered back. Seth climbed under the covers with you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling your body against him. You could feel him sigh against you, and you felt a pang of guilt for the worry you caused him.


"C'mon, babe, come with us." Roman begged from the end of the bed. All night he has been on you to go out to eat with the boys and him.

"I'm really tired, Rome." You lied from under the blankets. The truth is that you haven't really been eating so you could lose weight, and so far it's working.

"Babe, please." He begged again, making a face he knew you couldn't say no to.

"Roman, I'm not even hungry." You sat up, crossing your arms. That's a lie too, you're starving.

He suddenly looked angry. "I know you're lying, you don't have to lie to me." He stood up, now towering over you. "You haven't been eating right lately an-"

"I'm just not hungry, Roman. I don't want to go." You interrupted, turning over in bed.

"Babe, please eat. You're losing so much weight. It's scary, don't try to change for anyone; not the fans, not the Diva's, and not more me. I love you the way you are. Please, come eat." He requested, placing a kiss on the hollow under your ear.

"Fine." You gave in with a sigh. "But you have to help me up." You joked from under the blankets. But before you knew it, he had slung you over his shoulder and was carrying you toward your closet.

(And yes, this was my throwing shade at all the fangirls who hate on Dean and Renee ^.^ cut ya shit out, it's rude as hell!)

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