Pregnancy Series - Telling the Hounds

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"How are you feeling, Y/N?" Renee asked as you stood with her and Galina while the boys all watched a game on TV. 

"A little tired and some nausea, but other than that, I'm good," you smiled. 

Galina raised her brow in confusion. "What wrong, Y/N?" she asked worriedly. Renee's eyes went wide as she realized you haven't told everyone yet. You smiled at Renee, letting her know it was okay. You leaned towards Galina, watching Roman behind her. 

"I'm pregnant," you whispered. She screamed in excitement, making you jump away.

"No way, oh my gosh!" she squealed. You nodded and Renee covered her ears. Suddenly, Seth was behind you, the boys behind him.

"What happened, you alright?" Seth asked.

"You're having a baby!" Galina yelled excitedly. It took Dean and Roman a moment to realize, but when they did, they patted Seth on the back, yelling their congratulations. The girls hugged you, rubbing your back lightly. As you pulled away, Seth took your hand in his. "It's pretty amazing." He said, kissing your forehead.


"Are we expecting someone else?" Seth asked, looking around the table. You had invited the boys and Renee over for dinner to tell them about being pregnant. You and Roman wanted a clever way to tell them and after hours of thinking, you finally agreed on a way. 

"They will be here soon." You said, looking at Roman sitting beside you. He grabbed your hand under the table, a smile playing on his lips. The boys and Renee looked at the chair at the end of the table, getting confused.

"So, are we waiting for them?" Dean asked, "'Cause I'm really hungry." Renee followed that up with a slap to the back of the head, making Dean groan and you subdue a chuckle. 

"Who is the extra chair for?" Seth asked.

"The newest Reigns." Roman replied casually. Renee, who was sitting next to you, choked on her drink. Dean patted her back as everyone looked at you with surprise. 

"Are you?" She whispered.

"We're having a baby." You replied. Within seconds, she was hugging you and Roman; happy and excited about the new baby. Dean and Seth whooped and cheered for Roman, raising their beers. 

"I'm going to be a dad...again!" Roman cheered happily, holding his drink up blissfully.


"Room three down the hall, the door will be on your right." The receptionist told you, pointing down the hall. Since you were pregnant, you had the next nine months off of wrestling, so you decided to make the boys some lunch today and bring it to their dressing room during a break in a signing session. As you walked towards the studio, you felt nervous; you hadn't told the boys you were pregnant yet, you wanted to wait a little while longer. You smiled as you pushed the door open, seeing the boys sitting around a table talking.

"Y/N!" Roman yelled happily, jumping up from the table.

"You brought lunch!" Seth added excitedly, rushing up to meet you. 

"Thanks, Y/N!" Roman and Seth said in unison. Dean smiled, not saying anything. The boys began to playfully shove one another for the food you had in your hand, accidentally knocking you against the wall in their fight.

"Knock it off, guys," Dean yelled, though Roman and Seth kept their playful fighting. Suddenly, Dean was pushing them out of the way, standing between them and you. "Seriously guys, she's pregnant." Dean blurted. Everyone froze, going silent.

"What?" Roman asked.

Seth hit his arm. "That's amazing man, congrats!"

Dean relaxed a little as the boys got excited. Seth took the lunch off you, giving you a quick hug as he did so. Both the boys took turns congratulating you; both under the watchful eye of Dean.

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