Pregnancy Series - First Kick

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"Seth, you're next!" Roman bellowed aloud, walking out of the room next to them and exiting the photo shoot area. Seth kissed your cheek and stood up, going to take his turn getting some pictures done for a promo.

"Look after all three of them!" Seth commanded Roman and Dean before walking into the other room. You closed your eyes as you listened to Seth's voice traveling through the room; he was asking where to stand, how to place his hands, stuff like that.

You felt a gentle tap on the right side of your stomach, making you snap your eyes wide open. You placed your hand over the spot, rubbing it softly.

"You alright, Y/N?" Dean asked, walking over next to you after sensing your mood change. You gave him a small smile until you felt a kick on the other side. "Y/N?" Dean repeated.

"They kicked." You whispered in disbelief, making the two hounds look at you.

"You serious?" Roman asked, moving closer and eyeing you carefully.

"Both of them?" Dean asked incredulously. You nodded and looked at Seth in the other room.

"Someone get Seth!" Dean yelled out, sending several helpers scattering into the next room.
Seth came running back into the room and stopped once he saw the guys sitting close to you.

"What's-" he begun, but you cut him off.

"They're kicking." You whispered emotionally, your eyes tearing up. He knelt beside the couch as you took his hands and placed them on each side. As Seth touched you, they kicked his hands.

"Oh my god, they're actually in there," he chuckled, "I love them so much." He rubbed your stomach, calming the kicks down almost immediately.


"Goodnight, Deano." You said sleepily, letting a yawn escape your lips. You closed your eyes and began to fall asleep, listening to Dean's slow breathing. You felt a gentle kick inside of your stomach, making you snap your eyes open. You placed your hands on your swollen stomach as the baby kicked your hand. You rubbed the spot, smiling to yourself.

"Dean," You said, turning to face him and touched his shoulder. "Dean!" You repeated again - louder this time - and he groaned.

"Y/N, everything ok, sweetheart?" He asked drowsily, turning to face you. You put your hand back on your stomach but the movements had stopped.

"The baby kicked..." You said, disappointed that he didn't feel it in the same moment you did.

"What? Really? Can I feel?" he asked excitedly, the sleep fading for a moment. You shook your head sadly and rolled onto your back.

"It stopped."

He sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "Come here, babe, I'll feel the kicks next time." You snuggled into his body and he rested his hand on your growing bump. He lightly stroked your stomach, helping you go back to sleep. As Dean kissed your head, the baby kicked at the same time. You opened your eyes and saw him smiling at you. "I felt it, that's amazing," he kissed you again, "I still can't believe it."


"What are you doing? That tickles!" You giggled as you felt Roman's hands fluttering around your stomach. You opened your eyes to find Roman kneeling beside where you were currently laying on the couch.

"Trying to get the baby to kick!" He explained, rubbing the sides of your swollen stomach. "I read that from 18 weeks you can feel the baby kick and move around." He continued, looking up to meet your eyes. "Mom asked me last night if we have felt it yet."

Your smile faded as you saw the sadness in his eyes. "Rome, she will kick when she wants to. Please don't worry or stress about it." You said, running your fingers through his hair. "I do know that baby and mommy want to cuddle with daddy, though!" You beamed brightly.

His eyes lit up at hearing his new title. He slowly slid behind you on the couch, hands resting on your bump. You snuggled into him and closed your eyes as he hummed quietly. Suddenly there was a light fluttering in your stomach. "Was that?" Roman asked in excited confusion.

You nodded and put your hand above his. "I told you she would. Just have to be patient," you said. "She's kicking," he whispered happily, "Daddy loves you babygirl."

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