What He Notices About You

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Roman is a pretty open-minded man, so he notices the bigger things about you. He would notice how your nose crinkled just a bit when you laughed too hard, or how your eyes got that sparkle when the paparazzi's flash was blinding. He was all about seeing the parallels between your physical attributes and your personality. 


Obviously, Seth first noticed your looks, but that wasn't all he saw in you. Once the two of you finally opened up to each other, he noticed all your quirky little habits. Seth saw the way you narrowed your eyes at people when the irritated you, or the way you started smirking whenever he would laugh. Seth started to also notice what made you tick, what made your breath get caught in your throat, or the way your eyes lit up when someone was up to no good.


Dean was weirdly observant. He would definitely notice your looks, first off, but he was apt for your personality. He was absolutely enthralled with figuring out all the sides of your personality; the feisty side, the calm side, the cute side, and Dean being Dean, his personal favorite was the naughty side. He loved to tease you and watch the way you would frown at him, your forehead creasing just a tad, making him wonder how he had been so lucky as to have you choose him. 


Sorry for the delay in posting! I hope to be more on schedule, but no promises for now!

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