| Dean Ambrose | Imagine | Worry

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You hadn't heard from the boys since yesterday after the house show; it was now nine o'clock at night and you were worried sick. They agreed to call you to let you know they were okay. This little trip of theirs had you more worried than usual. They were out exploring the city of Cincinnati where Dean had grown up, and you knew Dean hadn't exactly grown up in a good spot of town. You hated being stuck at the hotel when they were out on a guy's night without you. All you did was worry about them.

  You paced around out the room, as if it would help. You didn't want to risk calling them in case they were in the middle of something important, not that they would answer anyways. You didn't want to be the reason they had a bad time or anything. They were the only family you had left. You continued to over think about this, continuing to get angry over the fact that they hadn't called. You were driving yourself nuts.

  You stopped when you heard the door of the hotel room open. You raced through the room, your legs moving as fast as they would go to get the the door. You stopped when you couldn't see them, searching around the room, realizing that they were probably in the little den in the back of the hotel room. Relief washed through your body when you saw the three tall men placing their bags on the table.

  "Thank god," you said out loud, not meaning to.

  "Hey, Y/N!" they greeted you in unison. You smiled, pulling Roman, then Seth in for a quick hug. They smiled before taking off to their separate bedrooms. You walked over to Dean and threw your arms around him, burying your head in his chest. You felt tears prick your eyes as you breathed in his scent. He hugged you tightly, engulfing you completely in his arms. You couldn't help but let the tears fall. You pulled away and wiped away your tears, smiling at him.

  "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked as he cupped your face.

  "I was just really worried about you and the guys. You guys didn't call and I thought you were dead or something, and I don't know what I would do without you. I've been worried sick about you, I haven't slept and I'm sorry for rambling," you confessed.

  "You were worried about me?" he asked, a hint of surprise in his voice. He furrowed his brows as he let go of your face.

  "Yes, you ass. I'm always worrying about you. Why is that such a surprise to you?" you replied.

  "Cause no one has ever worried about me before," he told you, "I'm sorry, I should have found a way to contact you. All of our phones died. I didn't know you would so worried."

  "Oh come on, Dean. You know I care about you, you're my best friend. I love you, dork," you smiled.

  He smiled widely, pulling you in for another hug. "I'm glad you care. I love you too."

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