| Roman Reigns | Imagine | Are You Okay?

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It was close to midnight when you decided to turn in for the night. The boys were off taping an episode of Smackdown while you stayed back at the hotel with a sprained ankle. There was no way you could take down Diva's with the condition it was in. They promised to call you or text you to let you know how it was going and that they were okay.

You turned out your light and seconds later, your phone buzzed. You looked at it, seeing Roman's name appear across your phone. You couldn't help but smile.

"Hello," you answered.

"Hi," his voice spoke out.

"Are you okay?" you asked, noting the weight in his greeting.

"Not really."

"Rome, talk to me. What's going on?" you asked calmly, trying not to scare him away from talking to you.

"The match went so horribly wrong. Dean got hit pretty hard in the head with a chair. A chair." There was a pause as you heard Roman trying to keep his calm. "Seth tried to go help Dean and got suplexed right onto his neck and had to be taken out on a stretcher. They're both in the hospital and they won't let me go check on them and...I should have been able to save them," he broke.

"Roman, you did the best that you could. You said yourself that you can't save everyone. You're an amazing wrestler, I know you did the best that you could," you told him, "is there anything I can do to make you feel better? I can have a bottle of jack and your favorite pizza ready for when you get home. When will you be back?"

"Probably within the hour," he said just above a whisper. "I miss you Y/N, I needed to hear your voice."

"I missed you too, Rome. I'll wait up for you."

"Y/N, wait. Can you stay on the phone with me until I get home?"

"Anything you need, Roman," you couldn't see, but you knew his lips turned up as you said that. The rest of the call was silent, you could hear him breathing, and the soft roar of the car through the phone.

Before you knew it, his figure came rushing through the door of the hotel room, his arms engulfing you instantly.

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