Pregnancy Series - He Goes on a Tour

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Seth paced the living room for the forth time as you both waited for your sister to arrive. You and Seth had planned for her to come and stay with you while Seth was away in England for the two week tour. She was excited to spend time with you, but you were dreading the time away from Seth. Every time a car drove down the road, Seth looked from the window to you, a bit of worry and sadness lingering in his eyes. After waiting for an hour, a car finally pulled up in your driveway and your sister got out. Seth opened the door before she knocked and she pulled him into a tight hug.

"Hi Seth, sorry I'm late." She murmured softly under her breath, her eyes flickering over to you. As soon as you made eye contact with her, your eyes filled with tears. Seth looked at you and rushed over when he saw the tears, his brow furrowing together.

"Don't cry, I love you!" He smiled weakly, wiping your eyes with his thumb. You could tell he felt badly about leaving, but you knew somewhere deep down inside, he wanted to go - not because he wanted to leave you, but because he missed wrestling. You could see it more and more every day.

"Seth" you sniffed, "you said you would leave as soon as Y/S/N got here."

Seth sighed gently, taking your hands in his - his fingers tracing patters on yours. "I did, but only because I didn't want to leave you by yourself." He replied, brushing a stray piece of your hair behind your ear.

You nodded as you cried harder into his chest, not wanting to let go. "I don't want you to go. I know I'm being selfish, but I-" 

He cut you off with a gentle kiss, the sadness temporarily pausing until his lips left yours. "Darling, please stop crying. Take a deep breath." He took a breath with you, the breath working wonders for both of your nerves. "I don't want to go either, but you have Y/S/N here and you can call me whenever you need." He knelt in front of you and put his hands on either side of your growing stomach. "Daddy will be home soon." He whispered, kissing your belly for the last time for two weeks.


Although you told him that you would be fine, Roman didn't want you staying home by yourself while pregnant; he said he would worry too much. While Roman was telling his mom about the short India tour, she offered for you to stay with her in Pensacola, and that's where you were now.

"Thanks, mom." Roman said gratefully, hugging his mom tightly again. JoJo was staying with Galina, so it was just going to be you and Roman's family for the next few weeks.

"No problem, sweetheart. Now, don't worry about her alright? She will be looked after here." Patricia promised her son, looking to both of you with kind and gentle smiles. Roman nodded solemnly, looking at you sitting on the couch in the living room. "I'll give you both a minute. Have an amazing time Rome, see you when you get back." She said warmly, kissing his cheek and walking into the kitchen.

You ran your hand over your rounded stomach and closed your eyes to try to stop the tears from falling. You felt the couch dip as Roman sat beside you and placed his hand on yours. You slowly opened your eyes and looked at him; his own eyes becoming sad and regretful. 

"I'm going to miss you so much," he whispered, "both of you." You nodded, not trusting your voice to verbally answer. Roman pulled you closer, wrapping his strong arms around you. "I'll call as much as I can, ok? It's only for three weeks, I'll be back before you know it!" He promised, holding you out at arms length so he could take you in all at once.

"We love you, Ro." You whispered looking sadly down to your swollen stomach. Roman gently wiped your eyes, catching your tears. He kissed your head before placing a soft kiss on the top of your stomach.

"I love you, my beautiful girls."


As Dean waited for Roman to pick him up, he watched you with cautious, observant eyes. Dean had been very adamant in telling you not to go to the airport for the safety of you and the baby. He hated seeing you upset, especially at times like this, when he was the reason.

"So, your mom will be here on Tuesday," he said grabbing your hand, "and she'll go with you to the appointment." You nodded in silent agreement, playing with his fingers absently. You were trying not to think about it so much - if you didn't think about it, you couldn't be upset.

"She can stay here with me. She won't mind, she is so excited about becoming a grandma." You said dully, no emotion in your voice. You took a shaky breath as tears filled your eyes, your mental barrier cracking and crumbling as the thought of him leaving swarmed your mind.

"Hey, hey." Dean whispered softly, pulling you into his chest for a hug. You wrapped your arms around him, careful of your baby bump. Suddenly, the door bell rang, interrupting the final moment you and Dean had together. You sniffed against his shirt, taking in his scent, promising yourself you'd remember it. You slowly let go of him so he could go and open the door.

"Hey, Dean, Y/N." Roman greeted sadly, a faltering smile playing on his lips. You gave him a small smile and reached out for Dean's hand again, not wanting to let him walk away. He rubbed his thumb over your knuckles, kneeling down in front of you with a comforting smile.

"It's only a few weeks," he kissed your forehead, "think of how much bigger you are going to be when I get back." You giggled sadly before weakly hitting his arm with a soft punch. "Ow!" He joked playfully, rubbing his arm tenderly with a soft chuckle. There was a brief moment of silence where you both just looked at each other, memorizing the other's features for the last time for a while. "I love you so much, don't ever forget that."

"I love you, Deano, and so does our little boy, so you come home safe." You said fiercely, hoping he didn't get himself into any stupid situations or dangerous matches while you were an ocean away.

Dean nodded in agreement with a weak smile. He kissed your lips and placed a hand on your belly - you could have sworn you saw his shaking just a little. "Be good for mommy, baby Lunatic." He whispered, placing his forehead to your stomach and whispering a few final words.

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