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Seth likes to cuddle a lot more than you thought. Seth has a gentle nature, even more so around you. His favorite time to cuddle is on the way to a match or pay-per-view. He'll lay in the back seat of the truck with his legs resting on the seat. You lie on top of him, his arms wrap around you, holding you tightly as the roar of the truck makes its way down the empty road. It comforts you both in different ways, but it makes you both forget that there is a world of challenges surrounding you. He places sweet kisses to your forehead every so often, you squeeze him tightly, relishing in the warmth he gives off. For a couple of hours, you're normal people who love each other before you fight whatever person that's standing in the ring that night.


Any chance Dean gets to spend time with you, you can guarantee that he will have his arms around you. He takes comfort in your arms, it's something that he's never had in his life, at least until you came along. When his arms are around you, you feel safe in his embrace. Everything around you is completely Dean and you wouldn't have it any other way. His favorite time to cuddle with you is at the end of the day. You meet each other in the middle of the bed and his arms instantly wrap around your waist, closing the space between the two of you. Dean's way of telling you how he feels is through his actions. He places a kiss to your forehead, then your cheek before pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. You bury your head into the crook of his neck, sleep consumes you almost instantly. He holds you tight, protecting you from the stresses and dangers of the world. He wishes that this moment could last forever, but for now, he's going to hold you like it's the last thing he's ever going to do.


Roman likes the simple things with you. The little touches, the smiles and the cuddling. They make him feel different, more alive as he would say. Roman's favorite time to cuddle is when he takes you out to a special place, whether that be a beach in California, or a picnic in the trees behind the hotel. He'll set up a blanket for the both of you to lay down on. He'll wrap his arms around you and you'll lean into his touch, which startles him at first, but he soon learns that is normal with you. You rest your head on his shoulder and watch the world around you, taking comfort in each others company. He takes in the scent of your shampoo, and the perfume you're wearing. He wants to remember moments like these for as long as he lives.

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