Pregnancy Series - Talking About Having a Baby

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So, the pregnancy series won, but the moving series was a close second, so that one will be next! If you have any idea for what to include in this series, leave it below!



It was your birthday. You were turning twenty seven; getting older with every year, as you saw it. Dean was three years older than you, but you've been dating for two glorious years. You'd definitely had your ups and downs; you had your fair shares of screaming matches, drunken arguments, and cheating scares, but you always found your way back to each other.

It's been four weeks since your last argument. You were confident that things were really going well for the both of you. At work, you were both successful and loved, both on you way to title shots, even. Right now, you and Dean were just getting back to your hotel after an episode of Raw. You had been in a match with Paige that made you the number one contender, so you were quite happy with how your night went. To top it all off, Dean had called you out to the ring to sing happy birthday, accompanied by the crowd and the whole roster. It had been so perfect.

You walked into your room, your suitcase dragging behind you. Dean shut the door behind you, both of you setting your bags against the wall. You had already strategically changed into your pajamas and taken a shower at the arena, so you were ready to sleep as soon as you walked in. You crawled under the tight covers and let the cold pillow bring you into an almost sleep. You knew Dean was going to take a shower, and you wanted to wait up for him, but you were so tired...

You were pulled from your sleep when Dean slipped into bed, his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his warm, bare chest. You nuzzled against him, his fingers toying with your hair as you let out a content sigh.

"Happy Birthday, sunshine." Dean said quietly, planting a kiss to the top of your head.

You groaned suddenly, moving you finger up to his lip to silence him. "Shhh, don't talk about how old I am." You murmured playfully.

"I'm older than you!" Dean protested with a gravelly laugh.

"We're both old." You stated with a soft chuckle, planting a kiss to his chest as you closed your eyes again. Dean was still playing with your hair, but your words had you thinking. You weren't getting any younger, and before you knew it, life would be winding down. "Dean?"


"Do you ever want to have kids?"

There was a long moment of silence. Dean shifted underneath you, forcing you to sit up and look at him. It was hard to make out his features in the dark, but you could see his furrowed brow.

"Do we have to talk about this?" Dean sounded almost angry when he responded, and you honestly felt a little hurt by his reaction. You bit your bottom lip and turned your back to him, nuzzling into your pillow and dreaming about tiny feet.


You were just getting back from a workout with some friends from work, and for some reason, Seth had said he would stay home. This was odd got Seth; he usually loved to come workout with you. You had tried to question him about it, but he didn't budge. You just shrugged it off and went on with your friends.

Now, when you came back your apartment, your eyes were wide. Seth sat at your kitchen table, the whole surface decorated like a beautiful restaurant. A white cloth laid under the food that Seth had presumably made, and two glasses of wine sat on either ends of the table. Seth was wearing a nice shirt and some black pants, yet here you were in your sweaty workout clothes.

Your mind was racing. Was it an anniversary? A birthday? A date night? No, no, and no.

"What's all this for?" You asked nervously, hoping you hadn't forgotten something to upset him.

Instead of being upset, Seth just smiled slightly and laughed lightly. "Stop freaking out, I just decided to make some dinner for my girl." Seth informed you, watching you as you set your bags down and sat in the chair meant for you. Seth had made your favorite dinner; homemade spaghetti and meatballs. He had also bought a bottle of your favorite wine - not a cheap brand, either.

"What did you do, Rollins?" You teased, picking up your fork and taking your first bite of the amazing tasting food. Man, Seth really must have done something bad.

"Oh, shush and eat your food!" Seth laughed, digging into his meal too. You two ate and talked and laughed for an hour or so, and when the meal was finished, you both went to the sink. Seth offered to wash if you dried. You were working at a good pace, though neither of you talked. "Y/N?" Seth broke the silence, looking up from the dish to draw your attention.


"Have you ever thought of having a kid?" He asked, his voice somewhat timid as he continue to scrub at a plate.

You froze up for a second, taking the question into consideration. A kid? You were in your twenties, now was about the time that everyone was having kids.

"Maybe we could try." You shrugged lightly, placing a dry dish on the counter. You expected maybe a smile from Seth, maybe a little excitement, but when Seth literally cheered, you couldn't help but be a little surprised. Seth didn't strike you as the kind of guy who was dying to be a dad.

"Let's go try now!" Seth encouraged you, placing his wet, soapy hands on your wrists and dragging you towards the bedroom. You couldn't help but smile and shake your head at his excitement; it was almost contagious.


"Y/N, Y/N, we heard you're not wrestling for the next few months because you're pregnant!" Some paparazzi hassled you as you and Roman drove out of the arena. You were getting quite frustrated in hearing this; they've asked you every night for two weeks. The truth was, you were going to be out for five or so months due to a back injury that was nearing the verge of surgery. 

"God, I just want to suplex each and every one of them." You snarled with anger, shaking your head as you stared out the window, your eyes on the cars as you passed them.

"Easy, tiger." Roman said soothingly, reaching over and placing a hand on your knee for comfort. "Besides, don't look at it too badly! You'd make a great mother!" He encouraged you, causing you to look over at him with a cocked brow.

"Me? A mother? Rome, please!" You scoffed, placing your hand on top of his. Roman turned his hand so that your palms met and you intertwined your fingers with his, his touch still enough to make your heart go a little faster. 

"You're so good with JoJo!" Roman argued lightly, a small smile appearing on his lips at the thought of his daughter back at home. It was true; you loved hanging out with JoJo. She was so sweet and gentle, and every time you and Roman came home, you would have a girl's night with her. This usually consisted on painting nails and watching some movies, along with the occasional impromptu wrestling match that you always let her win. 

"That's different! JoJo is older now, with a baby, I'd have to raise it since day one! What would that mean for my career?" You felt a bit flustered now, your brows creased with worry as you put some thought into it.

"Hey, it's okay, we don't have to have a kid, it was just a suggestion." Roman murmured softly, giving your hand a quick squeeze as you let out a sigh. You couldn't help but feel slightly paranoid now. What if Roman really did want another kid and you were shutting him down so quickly? What if he thought you were selfish for not wanting to pause your career to start your own family? You shoved all these thoughts into the back of your mind as you and Roman went driving off down the highway, your mind trying to focus on something, anything, else.

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