| Dean Ambrose | One Shot | Italian Ice

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This One Shot is for wwegirl5673 ! I know you said things weren't going well for you this week, so I hope this might bring a little smile to your face whenever you get the chance to read it!


She was fine without him. Really. She was in a good place now. Her life was full of laughter, friends, music, TV shows, parties and trying new recipes. She was happy. Or at least she was the closest to that she has ever been. It was just that she often wished she had someone to share all these wonderful moments with. Well not anyone, just Dean.

Sierra sometimes found herself imagining him next to her in the kitchen, stealing a cookie and then congratulating her on acing this new recipe that she had tried. One without bananas in it, just for him.

Or she thought of him rolling his eyes when she would start gushing about the new episode of "The Walking Dead", but he would continue to listen intently anyway.

Sometimes she recalled memories of their time together, but other times she created new scenarios in her mind for them. How they would act around each other now. They've both matured since they parted ways, she had gathered as much during the few times she had talked to him at events. But she knew they still wouldn't work out. Not now when their schedules seemed to keep getting busier and busier each week.

She tried to keep her distance from him; tried not to ask Seth too many questions about their mutual friend. Tried keep sing extra loudly when he had promos on RAW, just so she couldn't focus on his voice too much. She probably missed his voice the most. Late at night, when she finally got off her computer, she would lay in bed, and she imagined him next to her, talking to her, singing to her in that goofy voice of his. Then, she turned her head and saw nothing but fluffy pillows, with no messy mop of hair in sight. She sighed, the warm feeling from reading all these lovely fan messages earlier, fading. And she pulled her dog close to her, the mixed mutt refusing to cuddle with Sierra. And sometimes a tear would roll down her cheek and soak into the fluffy pillow beneath her head.

She kept her distance because she hoped it will hurt less that way. And in a way it did. As time goes by her amount of thoughts about him lessened, but she felt her longing for him increase.

She was totally unprepared when she met him at the supermarket though.

She knew that he had bought a house near hers in Las Vegas; she had had a little chat with him about the wonderful area they chose to purchase their estates in. But she never thought she would run into him on accident. Not when they were both two of the hottest superstars in WWE right now whose every move was watched by people all over the world. Normally, Sierra was too scared to walk around a big city like Las Vegas without at least one bodyguard by her side.

She had received enough death threats and letters from stalkers to know it's not the safest choice for her to walk to the nearest supermarket that is open twenty-four seven alone at two in the morning.

But, she had woken up after falling asleep with her laptop perched up on her knees, and she had suddenly gotten this huge craving for lemon flavored Italian Ice. Seeing that she didn't have any in her house at the moment and it would probably take her a while to fall asleep again with nothing on her mind but lemon, she figured she might as well make a little late night stroll around her neighborhood.

At first, she wanted to go out in sweatpants, but she figured that maybe someone would indeed recognize her and take a picture. She didn't want to ruin her chances of being named best dressed by multiple magazines (and yes, she did indeed care about these things) by being seen looking like a slob. So, she quickly changed into some dark skinny jeans, a basic black v-neck tee, a black leather jacket and a hat to cover up her bed hair. She didn't put on any make up figuring it was too dark outside and she was too lazy to wash it off after she returned home again.

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