When You Have a Nightmare

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Dean is always the first one to come to you when you have a nightmare. He could hear your screams echo throughout your apartment, and he is out of bed the second he hears them. He doesn't like knowing that you are suffering, especially since he frequently has nightmares himself. When he finds you, a mess of sweat and tears in your tangled sheets, his heart sinks. He's beside you in a second, his arms around you, pulling you into him. He doesn't ask you if you want to talk about it, he just settles in your bed, knowing that the last thing you want is to be alone. He draw circles on your back, trying to calm you down the best way he could. He can't help but smile as you sigh contently. He wishes he could sleep next to you every night, that way he's there to protect you from your nightmares. But, he was gone way too often for that to be reality. He places a kiss to your forehead the moment he knows you're asleep. He rests his head on top of yours as sleep quickly consumes him.  


Seth has always told you that his door is open if you ever needed to talk. He has promised you that he would be there for you whenever you needed him, and you figured a nightmare would be an adequate reason. When you wake up, sweat covering your body, and the flashbacks from your nightmare still fresh; your first thought is to go to Seth's room. Your movements are quick and quiet as you make your way down the hall to his room. When you open the door, he is sound asleep. You second guess, thinking that maybe it was a bad idea and you could deal with it yourself. He almost instantly senses your presence and wakes up, a puzzled look on his face before realizing it's you. He softly tells you to climb into bed with him, his arms wrap you up. He begins to tell you a funny story about something that had happened to him in his indie days, hoping to take your mind off of things before you fall asleep again, and when you finally do; he sighs in relief. He's glad you came to him, because now he can keep your nightmares away and you can do the same for him.  


Roman never really understood nightmares - he didn't have them that often. One night when he hears you trying to calm yourself down, your voice sounding extremely distraught almost like you are in danger, he responds right away only to find you in your bed with tears falling down your cheeks. You tell him every single detail of your nightmare, trying to help him understand what had you so worked up. He places his fingers to your cheek and placed a soft kiss to your forehead, and the thoughts about the nightmare begin to subside. You aren't scared of it anymore, not really at least. He then offers to stay with you for the rest of the night, just in case that nightmare or any other danger to you comes back. You nod your head, taking comfort in the thought of not sleeping alone for one night. Even though Roman doesn't sleep much anymore, he still closes his eyes and listens to you. Your breathing evens out, he knows you're fast asleep and this time he knows you're going to have a good dream, and he managed to get some sleep for himself. 

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