When He Shaves

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Question - Do you prefer your partner to be clean-shaven or have some hair?

Answer - Beards make guys ten times more attractive in my opinion ❤️



"Hey babe, have you seen my sweatshirt?" you call to your boyfriend as you dig through your closet for the thousandth time. You swore it was here just yesterday. "Dean?" you call out once more when you don't get a response. Curious as to why he isn't answering you, you peek around the corner in to the bathroom you share, wondering what's distracting him so much.

"Nooooo!" you howl when you see the shaving cream covering his face, lines of it already gone from the path of his razor. You immediately begin pouting, but Dean can only laugh at you for it.

"I'm just shaving it, babe. It'll grow back, you know that," he attempts to soothe you, but he has an amused look in his eyes.

"But all that scruff was sexy," you purr into his ears, biting the lobe.

"You know what will be sexy?" he asks, raising a brow at you, "It'll be sexy when I get home from this boring old press event and get you out of those tight little yoga pants," he pinches you on the bum and you wriggle away from him playfully.

"Oh yeah?" you taunt him.

"Mhmm. And it'll be even sexier when I have my head in between those pretty legs of yours and you're not laughing and pushing me away because 'your scruff tickles, Dean!'" he laughs, leaning down and kissing you on the top of the head before continuing his shave, much to your protests.


You come home from working out to find Roman sprawled out on the couch, one hand covering his eyes - a telltale sign of his exhaustion and frustration.

"What's wrong?" you ask, sitting down beside him and setting your purse on the coffee table to free your hands to rub patterns into his back.

"I've had the longest day ever," he groans. "They had us do conditioning for almost two hours and then we still had to practice, and then my mom called and practically begged us to come over for dinner tonight," he finished.

"Ro, can't you just tell her that tonight's not a good night for you?" you sigh. He could never say no to his mother, and while it's sweet that he's such a mama's boy, sometimes it turns around on him.

"She's already started cooking dinner for us! So now I have to get dressed and ready and put on a happy face for her," he grumbled.

"You'd better shave all that scruff off your face," you say, dragging a hand over the blackish-brown stubble that was growing awry from his normal facial hair, "or your mother will have a fit."

"I'm too tired!" he whines with puppy dog eyes, placing a hand on your knee and looking up, obviously preparing to sweet talk you into something. "Do it for me?"

You laugh at his laziness, but agree. "Go get dressed, I'll meet you in the bathroom you lazy bum!" You can't help but slap his bum as he walks by.


"I cannot believe that you're actually going through with this," you groan, covering your eyes to shield you from the sight of Seth in his boxers, a razor in hand.

"A bet is a bet," he smirks, lining the razor up to his leg and make the first drag up his shin.

"I wasn't being serious!" you shriek, mourning the loss of that strip of hair. It was going to be weird now when you cuddled and there was no leg hair tickling against your skin.

"A bet with me is always serious," he says lowly, a glint in his eye. "I'm a man of my word."

"You are a child, that's what you are," you mumble under your breath.

"It takes a real man to be secure enough in his masculinity to shave all of his leg hair off," he huffs.

"It takes a real dork, that's for sure," you laugh, but run your hand through the hair on his head and kiss him on the cheek. "But you're my dork."

"That's what I like to hear!" he turns his head and kisses you on the lips.

"But no spooning when your hair is in the prickly stage of growing back," you warn.

"Hey, I have to deal with your prickly legs all the time, missy!"

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