Pregnancy Series - Morning Sickness

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You groaned, resting your head on your arm on the toilet. You closed your eyes, wanting the nausea to stop, but everything you ate would just come up again. Tears filled your eyes as your stomach flipped again.

"No more, please." You pleaded to no one in particular as you leaned over the toilet and emptied the contents of your stomach again.

Roman's heart broke seeing you like this and not being able to fix it. He moved close and rubbed your back gently. "Hey baby girl, shh," He whispered. You buried your face in his shirt. "Do you want to try water or another saltine cracker? Try to settle your stomach?" he asked, drawing circles on your back. You shook your head against his chest. 

"It will just come up again," you whimpered, your throat burning. He kissed your temple and retied your hair up. "I don't know how I'm going to do months of this." You said, sitting up. 

Roman smiled weakly, wiping your eyes with his thumb. "With me, of course. I'll be here the whole time."


You sat on the cool tiles in the bathroom, running a hand over your face tiredly. A light knock on the door made you look up from your spot in front of the toilet. Seth slowly opened the door, giving you a small smile.

"I'm sorry, Princess." he whispered, face slightly pale. 

"You know I have the worst gag reflex in the world." You joked with a giggle before you felt nauseous again.

"Let me know when you're okay and we can cuddle." Seth blew you a kiss and returned to the living room. You groaned, leaning over the toilet and throwing up again. After a few deep breaths, you slowly got up. 

"Seth." You whispered, walking out of the bathroom. He ran to you, pulling you into a hug.

"Feeling better?" he asked. You nodded against his neck, his scent calming you. Seth loosened the hug and placed his hand on your still flat stomach. "Why are you making Mommy sick?" He smiled. You placed your hand on top of his, smiling too.


Your eyes snapped open as your stomach flipped. You groaned and shifted in the seat, trying to get comfortable. After spending a few days in New York for some signings, you were driving home. Dean had wanted to leave early to avoid the traffic. 

"Deano?" You whimpered, placing a hand on your stomach.

"Yeah, hun?" he smiled.

"I don't feel good." You replied. He looked over at you, smile fading as he saw your face go pale. He quickly reached for your hand, rubbing his thumb over it. 

"Deep breaths, sweetheart. There's a gas station just up here." Dean soothed you. As soon as the car stopped, you jumped out and ran towards the bathroom. You knelt in front of the toilet and began emptying your stomach. Dean was right behind you, rubbing your back and kissing your temple.

"Sorry," you mumbled, the sick feeling in your stomach slowly passing. 

"It's not your fault, just something that comes with a baby lunatic," he said, kissing your forehead.

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