Pregnancy Series - While He's Away (His POV)

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"Here with us now is the indestructible, the unstoppable, The Shield. Welcome back boys!" The interviewer boomed happily, making the audience go crazy as the three of us flashed brief waves. 

"Thank you for having us." Roman replied charmingly, flashing the interviewer a smile and waving at the ecstatic crowd before us.

"Lovely introduction, by the way, it was spot on." Dean added, always the cocky and arrogant one when it came to interviews and such.

I sat quietly between Dean and Roman, listening to the interviewer ask questions, but not offering up any answers for her. I was so busy worrying about Y/N and the twins, I wasn't in the mood to answer her pointless questions. 

"Congratulations on winning your tag team championship belts, boys!" She smiled, reaching over and patting me on the shoulder. I smiled through my irritation, looking to Roman for the save.

"Thanks, we are very happy to hold these belts. We're the only men who deserve it, anyways." Roman replied coolly, his blue eyes taking on a confident look. That was true, we were happy to have taken these belts, and we sure as hell deserved them.

"We had to take these belts, because the people who had it were doing a major injustice just by placing their hands on these bad boys." Dean laughed, reaching over and slapping the brass belts that were poised on Roman and I's shoulders. I offered a light smile, patting the belt myself.

"Seth, you're going to become a dad. Congratulations! How are you feeling?" The interviewer asked, finally switching to the topic that was running in my mind. I wasn't sure that I wanted to talk about it on national television, but oh well. I blushed as everyone turned their attention to me, fixing me with intent and waiting looks.

"I'm so excited, I can't explain it." I felt my smile grow wider as I began to think of Y/N and the twins. I missed them so much, and I was so excited to go home soon. "I still can't believe that I'm going to be a dad; that Y/N is pregnant. Not long now until they twins are here!" The audience cheered at my answer, clapping their hands and standing briefly.

"And Y/N, how is she? Being pregnant is hard work, let alone carrying twins!" The interviewer mused, a smile plastered on her face as pictures of Y/N flashed on the screen behind us.

"I know twins, it's crazy. She is so strong and incredible -" I said before Dean cut me off.

"Romeo does everything he can to make sure she's comfortable and safe, and he makes her feel beautiful and all that lovey-dovey talk. Let's get back to talking about how great we are, alright?"


"You alright, Deano?" Roman asked, furrowing his brow at me as the three of us sat in the gym, prepping for tonight's show.

"You've been quiet all day!" Seth added from the treadmill, pulling his earbuds out to listen to the conversation about to ensue.

"He's probably missing, Y/N!" Roman teased in an effort to lighten my spirits, which it did. I playfully punched him in his arm, making him hit me back instinctively. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, making me smile in real excitement. I had been waiting for the past few hours to hear from Y/N about her doctor's appointment earlier. As I walked away from the boys and pulled my phone out, I saw her name on the screen. I quickly unlocked it to reveal her message.

Hey Dean, check out our little lunatic. He's gotten bigger! We love you.

My smile grew as I clicked on the photo attached, my hatred for technology temporarily fading away. It was the latest ultrasound - the one she had done today. She was right; he had grown, but he is still so small. I touched the screen lightly with my finger in awe of seeing our baby.

"Is that him?" Seth asked quietly over my shoulder, his eyes lingering on the screen as a small smile crept onto his face. I nodded, not trusting my voice to not be filled with too much excitement. I turned the phone to show Seth the ultrasound photo at a better angle. He smiled a bit wider, his eyes lighting up.

"That's amazing, Dean. I can't believe he's growing inside Y/N!" He whispered in amazement, tossing his towel over his shoulder and heading back into the gym. I smiled and sent Y/N a reply.

He's adorable. I can't wait to meet him. Love you both!


"Come on, come on!" I mumbled impatiently, pressing my phone to ear as the ringing continued. Moments later, I got Y/N's voicemail...again. I sighed and left a message, "Y/N, babygirl, can you please call me? I'm getting worried, you aren't answering your phone. Please."

I had been trying to call her for the past hour and I was starting to panic. Y/N always took my calls, especially when I was away. This wasn't in character for her. A million and one thoughts ran through my head, most of them bad. I had to hear Y/N's voice to make sure she was alright before I head out to the signing.

I quickly dialed Lynne's number, hoping she was still at Mom's house with Y/N. After five rings, Lynne answered happily - I could hear the smile in her voice. "Hi Roman!" She giggled, no hint of stress or worry in her voice. That was a good sign for me, and I instantly felt a little better.

"Is Y/N with you? Is she ok? She's not answering her phone!" I rumbled on panicking, my heart starting to beat a little faster as my momentary bliss came back. She suddenly stopped her laughing, her tone growing serious.

"Whoa, slow down, little cousin. Y/N is fine. We are shopping at the moment!" She paused. "I'll put her on."

I sighed in relief when I heard Y/N's voice. "Rome?" She said softly, not expecting to hear my voice on the other side of the phone. It was so nice to hear her voice again - it instantly ebbed the feeling of panic and replaced it with joy.

"Hey baby." I whispered, my heartbeat slowly returning back to a normal and healthy pace.

"Sorry I didn't answer my phone. We are out shopping right now. I brought some nice dresses!" She said happily - I could practically imagine that smile on her face. I smiled, relieved that everything was okay. "Oh, and I got a cute little bunny for our baby girl!"

I could help but chuckle - Y/N was so random, and I loved it.

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