Pregnancy Series - Scare (His POV)

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"Seth," Y/N called out to me, "somethings not right."

I walked towards her, standing in the door way that lead to the kitchen. She was standing by the counter, her knuckles white from holding on so tightly. Her face was pale and eyes dull, an emotionless expression plastered on her face. "Princess? Whats wrong?" I asked with a worried frown, grabbing her hand in mine. I frowned when I felt how clammy and cold her touch was, a sick feeling settling in my stomach.

"I feel - feel dizzy," she whispered, slightly swaying as her feet started to give out from under her. I quickly grabbed her arms to keep her from falling, pulling her close into my chest.

"Keep looking at me, Princess. Please." I pleaded, panic setting in. I had no idea what to do in this situation, and I didn't want to have to call an ambulance. It'd be all over the internet and TV, and that was just more stress for Y/N and our families.

"I can't, Seth." She said weakly, her face suddenly going slack and her eyes rolling back in her head. Her whole body went limp as she fainted, adrenaline pumping through my body along with fear. I held her steady in my arms, lowering her down to the ground with care and caution.

"Y/N," I said loudly, "please open your eyes." I began to panic when she didn't respond, my heart beating so hard, I could feel it in my throat. I couldn't lose her or the babies; I need her, I love her so much. With shaky fingers, I pulled my phone out of the pocket and called for an ambulance, trying to keep my mind clear of negative thoughts as we waited for help to arrive. Tears clouded my vision as I explained what happened and gave our address through the phone, clicking my phone closed when they told me they were coming. Once the ambulance arrived, I watched them check over Y/N. They said something, but I wasn't listening. As they put an oxygen mask on her, my heart fell, and I silently begged her to wake up. After what felt time a lifetime, Y/N slowly fluttered her eyes opened.

"You have to stay down, ma'am." The medic told her sternly as she tried to sit up. She looked so panicked and worried; I just wanted to scoop her up in my arms, but I knew I shouldn't touch her.

"Seth?" She whispered with fright, her eyes darting around to the medical team surrounding her. I quickly knelt beside her, taking her hand in mine and stroking my thumb along her skin.

"You're ok, Y/N." I soothed her, trying my best to keep my voice calm and even, hoping that would help her stay calm. "Just take slow breaths for me, Princess." I gently wiped her eyes, catching the tears before they fell down her cheeks. I ran my finger along her cheek, smiling softly as the color began to reappear.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" The Medic asked her, removing the mask and slowly sitting her up.

"My head hurts," she whimpered unhappily, bringing her hand up to her forehead. I wrapped my arm around her side, helping her sit.

"You will have a headache, that's normal." He explained, starting to pack up all the things the EMT's had brought with the. Y/N looked up to me and panic flashed though her eyes. The medic must of saw it because he spoke before she did. "The babies are fine, both of them," he paused, "you had low blood pressure. When you're pregnant, your blood vessels need to expand to allow blood to flow easier around your body and to the twins." I kissed her forehead, as she closed her eyes and relaxed a little. "Get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids." He advised her with a knowledgeable smile, packing up his things and leaving.

"Seth, I'm-" Y/N began, but I didn't need an apology. This wasn't her fault, and I was just grateful that she was alright.

I cut her off with a kiss. "I'm so happy you're ok. All three of you."

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