| Dean Ambrose | One Shot | Easter

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"Oh come on Dean, please." You tilted your head to one side, blinking up at him pleadingly. "It's just for the weekend. They won't be any trouble I promise—"

"No, no, no, no." Dean cut you off by raising a hand and scrunching his eyes shut as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "How many times do I have to lose a kid before you realize I'm not the best babysitter in the world?"

You let out a scoff, rolling your eyes. "Look, I know this is a lot to ask, but honestly, I don't know where else to turn!"

Dean let out a groan and rolled his head back in exasperation before he cast a look in the back of your car. Two pairs of bright, innocent eyes gazed back at him from two booster seats. The two kids looked at the daunting figure before the five year old boy pulled the sucker out of his mouth to point at Dean with a happy grin. "Hi!"

Dean blinked at your two bundles of energy before he looked back at you. "You know, when you said that you wanted to spend Easter Sunday with me, I didn't anticipate any tag-alongs."

You shrugged. "I'm sorry, Dean."

Dean leaned into your car window pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. "Why are they here?"

"Because my sister is in town and I never get to see them! I just want to spend one holiday with them!" Dean looked over your shoulder again into the car to see your nephew, Oliver, playing with a small train on his lap. His sister, a few years older than him was sitting quietly beside him, holding onto a chocolate bunny that she had been chewing on since you left your sister's house. "Look, I'll make it worth your while." You whispered. You suppressed a grin as Dean cocked an eyebrow at you suggestively at your comment. You knew you had struck a chord so you bit your lip and blinked up at him again. "Pretty please?"

Dean was quiet for a long time. Suddenly he pulled back out of the window to compose himself, you heard him let out a long sigh of exasperation before he poked his head back into the car.

"Fine." He muttered, staring at you skeptically as you grinned brightly. "But you owe me big."

"I promise I'll make it up to you." You smiled as you jumped out of the car and raced to the back to unbuckle the kids and haul them out. "Just help me with the kids for tomorrow morning and I'll do anything you say."

Dean cocked an eyebrow as he watched you unbuckle Oliver and set him down beside you. "Well..." He smiled to himself as you whisked past him, grazing him with a kiss as you went, "I guess that sounds fair..."

He made a move to follow you, a mischievous grin on his lips, but as something tugged lightly on his jeans he froze in his tracks. Dean looks down only to meet Oliver's big, blue eyes gazing up at him. Dean blinked at the kid for a moment. He swallowed and looked around, unsure of how to react with such a young person. "Uh, hey?" Was all Dean managed to offer.

Oliver stared up at him for a few seconds before he extended his hands up toward Dean.


Dean flushed a darker shade and hesitated.

Oliver frowned and grabbed at the air impatiently, "Please." The boy added.

Dean swallowed hard and nodded. "Oh, yeah. Sure." He bent over and hauled your nephew up onto his hip, glancing into the boy's face, unsure of himself. But Oliver was now preoccupied with the little train in his hands. At the child's relaxed state in his arms, Dean let out a little half-breath, a smile easing into his face.

You found yourself staring so you quickly looked away before Dean could catch your eye. "Come on, Katie," you took your eight-year-old niece by the hand and led her toward the apartment you and Dean shared. The sun was already setting and you knew that this was the safest place you could bring the kids.

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