When He's Jealous

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Now, Dean didn't really get jealous a lot. After all, he was in a committed, loving relationship with you, and he trusted you one hundred percent. ...But, he didn't trust scummy douche bags that came up to you in bars when you were drinking. The Lunatic Fringe knew you could handle yourself, and he knew you wouldn't flirt with them, so he had nothing to worry about. Or, at least that's what he repeated to himself to try and control his anger as he saw the scene unfold...

You sat quietly in a booth, sipping your beer occasionally. When Dean had gone off to the bathroom, you ordered drinks and picked a table. This one was away from the crowds, and loud drinkers. You were quite content in your silence, as you picked your favorite book out of your bag, soon enough you were lost in your reading.

Apparently, though, some rowdy college students were not happy with silence. In fact, they were talking -well, more like yelling- away, in complete disregard for the quietness that had been in the bar before they had arrived. Your head rose and you threw a glance over at them, a scowl soon following. You narrowed your eyes. Just as you were about to continue your reading, one of the boys saw your eye contact as an invitation to walk over and talk to you.

"Hey," he slurred, "I saw you eyeing me up from all the way over there." He wore a cocky smile, that you so wanted to slap off of him.

"Actually, I-"

"You don't have to explain, baby," he smirked, "Why don't you join me and my friends for a drinking game? You seem like the type to enjoy-"

You growled under your breath. "Actually, I'm fine. Leave. Please," you ground out, gritting your teeth.

"But, baby, we were only just getting to know each other."

You looked over his shoulder and saw Dean emerge from the toilet door. Although you could probably beat this guy to a pulp- no, you could definitely beat this guy to a pulp, you really weren't in the mood to deal with him. Right now, you just wanted to have a drink with Dean, and maybe taste a moment of normality. Just for once. Was that too much to ask for?

Dean saw your eyes, and your silent ask to get rid of the frat boy trying -and failing- to chat you up. Your boyfriend glared at the boy in front of you as he walked to you. The Lunatic's fists clenched as the douche tried to lean closer to you.

"I think you should listen to her; leave."

The guy was about to snort a reply, but once he saw Dean's height and build, he soon cowered away. Although he covered it with a scoff, muttering under his breath something about how 'wasn't even worth it', you could tell he was scared.

"I have that drink you ordered," you smiled as Dean sat opposite you.

"Thanks, sweetheart," Dean replied, his anger fading.

"I should be saying thank you- that douche seriously couldn't take a hint," you smirked, shoving your novel back into your bag.

"You could've taken him," Dean retorted.

"Yeah, I could have. And there would've been blood," you joked.

"You're amazing, you know that?" he asked, reaching across the table to hold your hand, "Absolutely amazing."

"Since when did you become such a sap?" you teased, holding his hand.

His fingers gently brushed over the top of your knuckle. Dean wore a soft smile that he only reserved for very special occasions and people. You were one of those few people. His eyes stared into your own, telling you more than Dean could ever tell you with his words. He wasn't a very vocal guy; he wasn't very good at expressing how he felt; he didn't always have the words to say what he wanted to tell you, but you knew anyway. Whether it was how he acted, the silent things he did, or his beautiful dark eyes, you knew.

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