Pregnancy Series - Telling him (His POV)

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I was just coming home from a tough night at work; I got my ass handed to me by Brock in the form of about three F5's. They didn't hurt that bad in the moment, but afterwards...they hurt like a bitch.

I unlocked the hotel door and pushed inside, my eyes instantly falling upon Y/N sitting on the edge of the bed. She had been acting weird all night; she even refused to be in a match tonight against her rival. She was acting even worse now, I could see it in her eyes. I couldn't read her usually familiar expression; it was almost a mixture of anger and fear.

Y/N was clutching her stomach, and without warning, she burst into tears, sob wracking her body.

"Babe, what wrong?" I asked in a panic, rushing over to the bedside and dropping to my knees, my eyes switching frantically between her face and her stomach. Y/N didn't say anything; she just looked at me and shook her head. "Point where it hurt! You have to help me out!" I urged her, assuming she was having some really bad pain that was making her feel ill. Still, she only cried and tried to hide her face behind her hands.

"Y/N, honey?" I pleaded, reaching up and gently grabbing her wrist as I tried to peel her hands away. Y/N exploded with reaction, shoving me hard as I fell back onto the floor.

"I'm not hurt, Dean!" She fired at me, her brows furrowed together.

"Then what the hell is it?" I shot back.

"I'm pregnant!"


I sat on the floor, not moving nor speaking due to my lack of an idea on what to to feel. Y/N was pregnant. I was going to be a father. She was going to be a mother. We were going to have a family.

"I thought we talked about this?" I asked breathlessly, looking up to her as she continued to cry. "Y/N, I said I didn't want a kid!" I was shouting now, not because I was angry, but because I was scared. Me. Dean Ambrose. Scared.

Y/N got off the bed to try to come sit next to me, but I shook my head. "Dean, it was an accident, please, believe me." She pleaded, her hands reaching for me, but never touching. I hopped to my feet and placed my hands on my head, pacing around the room now.

"I need some time to myself. I'm going...out." I said vaguely, the news still fresh in my mind. I just needed some space.

"Dean, please don't leave," was the last thing I heard from Y/N as I left the room, my mind racing a mile a minute.


I kicked open the door of Y/N and I's apartment, my hands filled with groceries as I struggled to get in the place. "Y/N, come help me!" I called loudly, knowing she would be able to hear me from any room in the small apartment. I expected her to come running into the kitchen, but she didn't appear.

I kicked the door closed and began the nearly impossible task of trying to figure out what to set down without dropping everything in my arms. After about ten minutes of struggling, I set down the last bag of food on the counter - nothing dropped. I stretched my muscles gingerly, my hand especially tender from holding onto that freezing gallon of milk for nearly fifteen minutes. Where had Y/N been?

I walked around the apartment, checking the living room and bathroom before finding Y/N sitting in the middle of the bed, her expression blank as she looked at the mirror on the opposite wall. Her eyes skirted mine as I raised a brow at her. "Didn't you hear me calling? I needed help, you goof!" I teased lightly, slipping onto the bed beside her briefly to press a kiss to her forehead.

When I tried to retract my hand, I felt her warm one grab onto my arm, making me look up at her with curiosity. Her eyes seemed happy and a small smile was spreading across her lips.

I didn't want to get excited but...was this the big news? Finally, the news I had been waiting to hear for the past few weeks?

"Are you...?" I began, a smile spreading across my face as she began to nod with pure excitement. "Yes!" I cried out happily, lunging forward and peppering her face with kisses. Y/N was laughing joyfully as she pulled me in for a kiss on the lips. I collapsed on the bed next to her after, both of us staring up at the ceiling, her hand resting meaningfully on her stomach.

"I can't believe it." I murmured, my thoughts running wild with imagination and dreams.

"You better believe it, babe. You have nine months until we have a little Rollins running around." Y/N chuckled lightly, reaching over to plant a tender kiss to my jaw before getting up and making her way to the kitchen to put away groceries.


Y/N and I had been called back into Hunter and Stephanie's office for us to hear how our matches for the month would go down, along with any feud we may have. This was a normal thing to happen every month; every wrestler had to go through it. It was usually boring, but it could be a bit more exciting if they told you that you were getting a title.

"Y/N, we have big plans for you at Payback this year!" Stephanie mused with excitement. I reached over and gave her knee a small squeeze, but Y/N only looked at me with sad eyes. I would have to ask her about it later. "You'll be going against Charlotte for the Woman's Championship! Isn't that exciting?" The Billion Dollar Princess asked, her eyes gleaming. You could tell this was one of her personal ideas.

"Yes, but-" Y/N began, but Hunter cut her off before she could finish.

"Think about it, Y/N! You and your boyfriend could both be holding the most prestigious titles of your division! The fan's will just eat it up!" Hunter encouraged. I furrowed my brows in slightly annoyance - Y/N was clearly trying to say something, but they just weren't listening.

"I get that, but-" Y/N tried again, still failing to speak before our bosses could.

"Your face will be on posters, talk shows, television screens all over America! Isn't that what you've wanted this whole time?" Stephanie asked gently, reaching over the table to give Y/N's hand a squeeze. Y/N looked at her timidly, drawing her hand into her lap once Stephanie had moved away.

"I can't." Y/N said simply, surprising even me. It was true; Y/N had been wanting a title ever since she arrived here. That's what every superstar wanted!

"What?" Hunter, Stephanie, and I all asked in unison as we turned to look at her with emotions of disbelief and misunderstanding.

"I can't because...because I'm pregnant." Y/N said carefully, her eyes landing on me. My whole body felt stiff and foreign. I was going to be a father again? We had just talked about this not that long ago, and I didn't think Y/N wanted to be a mom from the way she reacted.

"Oh, alright, we'll have to rewrite something then." Stephanie replied coolly, her brows furrowed together. "You can go now, Hunter and I need to call the writers."

Y/N and I stood, my hand instantly lacing with hers. She must be so scared right now. I just wanted to scoop her up and tell her everything was okay. Y/N bowed her head to Hunter and Stephanie before we both exited out into the hall, closing the door behind us.

Y/N burst into tears instantly, and I was there to pull her against my chest and just hold her. She was shaking, probably from the nerves. She was murmuring over and over again, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, baby girl." I murmured against her hair.

"You're not mad?" Y/N sniffled as she wiped her eyes.

"Mad? No! JoJo's been bugging me for years about having another sister or brother! I'm so happy!" I assured her, feeling better when a smile lit up her face. I pulled her back into a hug and ran by hand along her hair, both silent as we took in the life changing moment.

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