When You're Hurt

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Roman is always the one to patch you up when you're hurt, he's quiet and his eyes can't quite meet yours, not yet. He's so focused on making sure you're okay before he can begin to talk about what happened. Once he's done, you thank him for patching you up, and you apologize to him for taking time out of his night for a mistake you made. He shakes his head and says that it should have been him getting hurt tonight instead, but you disagree. He listens to you rant about how you messed up, or how getting hurt was part of the job you just had to deal with, but the whole time he's thinking about how you could have landed wrong and had to spend a night in the hospital or worse. Once you're done talking, he simply stands up and engulfs you into his arms. He's almost afraid to let go of you. He whispers that he loves you and that he's glad it wasn't worse. He tells you that you should be more careful before letting you go.   


Dean blames himself whenever you are injured. He beats himself up inside, thinking that he should have been there to step in and protect you, he should be the one hurt right now instead of you. He knows he can't change it now, you're hurt and he can't do anything to help you. He starts to think that maybe he should keep his distance from you, everyone he loves always gets hurt when he's around, so he figures you can't get hurt if he isn't around you, but saying that and doing that are two different stories, especially when it comes to you. He doesn't like seeing you hurt, but he hates seeing you upset and he knows that by keeping his distance from you that he's hurting you in a different way. Once he's cooled down, he carefully climbs into your bed, avoiding your injuries as he wraps his arm around you, pulling you into him. He places a kiss to your temple before apologizing for not protecting you. You know better than to argue with him. You simply lean up and press your lips to his before curling into him. You assure him that you're okay, and that it's not his fault. You're just happy that he's okay from his hectic match that night. He's thankful that you were okay, because he can't live without you.  


Seth hates it when you get hurt, especially when he could have done something to prevent it. You are stubborn when you're hurt, refusing to let him help you. You tell him that part of being a wrestler is getting hurt and not every Diva has a man to bandage them up when they get hurt. You assure him a hundred times that you're fine, that it's just a bruise or a scratch and that it will heal with time. He doesn't understand how you can tolerate pain at such a high extent, but he secretly loves how much of a fighter you are. You mask your pain well. What you don't know is that when you're sleeping, he applies some heat to your sore muscles, not slipping you any medicine or anything, but helping enough so that you won't feel as sore in the morning. He doesn't want the one he loves in pain and he will go to any extent to make sure that you're okay, even if that means helping you in secret.

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