Pregnancy Series - You Start Showing (His POV)

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I leaned against the doorway of our bedroom, the smile on my face growing. Y/N was laying on the bed, her eyes closed. The pregnancy has taken a lot of her energy lately, leading to naps during the day. I walked slowly towards the bed, taking off my shoes and laying down next to her. She was so beautiful; even more now that she is carrying our baby. As my eyes traveled over her body, I smiled when I noticed her hand resting on her stomach. My breath caught in my throat when I saw it; little bump under her hand. I looked back at her face, her nose twitched and eyes fluttered open. She wiped her hands over her face tiredly. I placed my hand gently on her little rounded stomach. She smiled and rested her head on my chest. No words where said, we knew how the other felt. The little bump made it all seem real and I've never been happier.


I walked inside, looking around for Y/N. As I took my jacket off, I heard her in the kitchen. Her smile grew when she saw me walk in.

"Hey Deano," she said, uniting her apron and smoothing her shirt down over her stomach.

"No way," I whispered, my eyes widening. She raised her eyebrow in confusion. I quickly moved and knelt in front of her. I placed my hands on either side of her swollen stomach. "I didn't notice it this morning," I said looking up at her.

"I know, it seems to have grown all of a sudden," she replied and ran her hand through my hair.

"It's amazing. I can't-I don't know how to explain it, but it's actually happening. We are having a baby," I said. She nodded, eyes filling with tears. I looked back at the little bump and placed a soft kiss right above her belly button. "I love you," I whispered. I stood up and kissed her lips, "And you too."


She was sitting in big comfy chair; legs curled up beneath her, a book in one hand, her other resting on her stomach. My smile widened as I stepped closer. Her fingers drew patterns over her stomach. As I watched her, I saw it; a small bump growing under her shirt. I knelt beside the chair and looked up at her. She looked away from her book and smiled. I think she knew what I was looking at, as she took my hand and put it where hers was.

"That's incredible," I whispered amazed. 

"Want to join us?" she asked, closing her book. I nodded and sat beside her, not taking my hand off her stomach. As Y/N snuggled into me, I begun drawing patterns over her swollen belly. I smiled, feeling blessed to hold the two of the three people I loved most in the world. I absentmindedly started humming softly, making Y/N close her eyes and drift off to sleep.

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