When He's Gone

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When he's gone on tours, your heart seems to stop beating. You live the passing days completely on edge, unable to relax for fear that something horrible will happen to him. You don't sleep and you can hardly eat anything that your family or anyone else puts in front of you. You are lonely and you are nervous. You are more than nervous, actually. You are paranoid that he won't come home the way he left you, and if he came home safe, what if he'd hooked up with another girl or realized he was better off without you? So you bite your nails and you muster up a stony face, and you wait. You just wait for your love to come wandering back to you.


When he's gone, he calls you every day. It's all he can really manage, what with him being as busy as he is. But he's always sure to call or text you at least once a day. Sometimes the call is sweet and charming, sometimes not. Sometimes they were hours long, and sometimes they were shorter than others. When he's gone, your heart doesn't hurt. It's like you can't feel it or anything else, like Seth had taken it with him wherever he was. When he's gone, you don't sing or dance like you used to. You just wait for your brave man to come running home.


When he's gone to work, you are bored beyond belief. So you do things that seem appropriate of a girlfriend to do. You sweep the floors and put the dishes up, tidy around the living room and straighten books up that you or a friend had left open on the kitchen table. You busied yourself with humming along to your favorite records, did what you could to not miss the feeling of Roman's arms around you and his chest pressed against your back. You sometimes smile at old photographs of the two of you on the shelf, and you wait. You just wait for your sweet man to open the screen door and take you in his arms.

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