| Seth Rollins | One Shot | Brown Eyes

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You were on the road home from a successful Monday Night Raw in Chicago. You, Seth, Roman and Dean had managed to take down the entire clan of Wyatts in just one match with very few cuts and bruises. You couldn't have felt better. You were now headed back to the hotel to sleep for a week straight, or until Hunter and Stephanie said it was time to go to the next city.

Seth decided it would be a nice treat to listen to the radio on the way home instead of listening to his same five albums that haven't ever left his car. Dean and Roman couldn't complain about it, they hated Seth's music, especially when he played it too loud. You got to ride shotgun, Dean said you earned it for how awesome you did. You gladly took his offer. It meant you got to sit next to Seth.

You'd been wrestling with the Shield boys for months now. Sure they were hard but you can't imagine going through the past few months without them. They were your family. Seth was your best friend. You did everything together. He's always there for you when you need a friend, he's the reason why you get up in the morning. You were head over heels in love with him, but being Seth Rollin's best friend; you knew he didn't do relationships or commitment for that matter. You couldn't just sleep with him and pretend it was just a one night stand. You didn't want to ruin what you had with him, even if it was only friendship. It was better than nothing at all. Roman on the other hand, he was like a brother to you, only you got along really well. You were into the same books as him, the same movies, and your eating habits were right up there too. It was really easy to go against Seth when you had Roman on your side. All in all, it was everything you could ever ask for.

"Rome, you have to agree with me that Dobby did not deserve to die, nor did Fred!" you said, facing Roman who was sprawled out on the back seat.

"Okay, Y/N, yeah I agree with you there but, you have to agree with me that Hermione should have been with Harry and not Ron," he exclaimed.

"I guess, but come on, Ron and Hermione were adorable together. How can you not see that?" you questioned.

"Who cares, dumbledork? Doesn't that dude do on stage porn now?" Seth interrupted. You rolled your eyes before you continued.

"Seth, you can't say anything, you haven't seen Harry Potter, and it was a play that he did. But who cares about that anyways," you smiled, Seth looked over at you, a smile spread across his lips.

"I think Harry and Hermione-" Roman started.

"Shut up Roman, its Ron and Hermione. Harry was totally friendzoned in like the sixth movie. Sorry dude, it's not going to happen," you giggled. Roman never said anything else; he had gotten into a quiet conversation with Dean about God knows what. The car was quiet, the only sound was coming from the radio and it was very faint. That's when you heard it. Brown Eyed Girl.

"Seth, turn it up!" you demanded, and he did so. He looked confused at first, until he heard it. A smile spread wide on his face as he looked over at you, dancing and mouthing the words to the song, your hair flying in the wind as you continued to sing.

Standing in the sunlight laughing
Hide behind a rainbow's wall,
Slipping and a-sliding
All along the waterfall
With you, my brown-eyed girl

You turned around and pointed towards Roman, and continued to sing out the song.

You, my brown-eyed girl

Roman tried to look annoyed at your jab towards him but he couldn't help it. Seth and Dean were laughing, while Romanwas trying to hide the smile on his face. You couldn't help but laugh with them. The song continued playing and you all sang along to the words, Roman holding your hands back so you wouldn't point at him this time. You couldn't help but smile, it's the first time you seen them all smile in a while. It was nice.

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