Seth Rollins | One Shot | Dr. Rollins

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You knew you shouldn't have been here tonight. You were coming down with some shitty head cold, and sleep was what you needed, not a wrestling match with one of the most dangerous women on the roster.

"Y/N, you're not looking so well," Sasha, your good friend and opponent for the night, warned you, fixing you with a worried glance.

"I'm fine!" You insisted, ignoring the constant dizziness that was buzzing around in your head. Your mind felt like it was filled with air, the whole setting around you seemingly a dream. You felt like you were floating around the gorilla, and every step you took felt light and unreal. Your head was pounding with some type of migraine or headache, and you honestly had no idea how you were going to compete tonight.

"Girl, I'm serious, go see a doctor or something! You look Paige-level pale," Sasha continued to lecture you, raising a little chuckle as she poked fun at the Anti-Diva. The magenta-haired Boss, nudged you towards the hallway that held the doctor's quarters, making you stumble slightly over your own feet. You tried to act as if you hadn't tripped, but Sasha had already seen. "That's exactly what I mean," she scolded, furrowing her brows together. "Doctor. Now."

Begrudgingly, you grumbled something under your breath and trudged off down the doctor's hallway, having the intentions to maybe grab some Advil and a cold rag. The hallway was dark and nearly empty, only a few dark figures lingering around. The walls were stark white, contrasting with the dark, concrete floors.

You could see the light spilling from the crack of the office door, a small sliver of the floor illuminated now. The light made your headache even more stunning, forcing you to stop walking and lean against the wall. You placed your clammy forehead against the cool concrete, your forearms resting above your head, shaking slightly. You closed your weary eyes and felt them burning from the lack of sleep. Maybe Sasha had been right about you being ill...

You forced your eyes open and continued to walk down the hallway, just a few yards from the Doctor's office now. Black started to engulf your vision, making it hard to see and walk. Once again, you were forced to take a break from walking, resting your head on the wall to steady yourself. You closed your eyes and took deep breaths, focusing on the smaller noises around you; your heartbeat, the footsteps down the hall, the distant roar of the Smackdown crowd.

The people at the end of the hallway seemed to be coming this way, their voices growing louder and clearer. Suddenly, their voices dropped to a more hushed tone as they neared you, their words unintelligible.

Your knees were growing weak, and you were sure you couldn't walk at the moment. A hand landed lightly on your shoulder, a voice asking, "Are you okay?".

The voice was familiar, but it sounded odd - almost like it was underwater or through some type of barrier. You tried to mutter some type of response, but it only came out as a pained moan.

Suddenly, your knees buckled and you were falling backwards, your stomach dropping as you neared the ground. You wanted to flail and react, but your limbs were heavy and your eyes remained closed. You felt two strong hands catch you, slowly lower you to the ground. You tried to speak, but it only came out as murmured gibberish.

"Holy shit!" One of the voices, the one that was holding you, cried out in surprise.

"You just stay here, Dean and I will go find the doctor," a deeper voice ordered, followed by the sound of boots scuffling off in a run down the hallway.

Silence filled the hallway as you tried to regain your strength, still failing at talking.

"Hush, hush," Seth commanded under his breath, not understanding a word you were saying to him. Your eyes fluttered open to look up into his brown ones, his expression twisted with concern. He looked slightly more relieved that you had your eyes open, but you could sense how uncomfortable he was. "C'mon, let's at least get you into the Doc's office so you can lay down." Seth muttered, unsure if you would even understand.

He let out a grunt of effort as he hooked an arm under your legs, his other arm supporting your neck, pushing up into a standing position. He carried you down the hallway, your head resting on his chest.

"What happened?" You managed to croak out in confusion, your mouth suddenly dry. It hurt to open your eyes, so you kept them closed in an effort to combat the headache that plagued you.

"You fainted...straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes," The Architect teased, the smirk he was undoubtably wearing audible in his voice.

"Shut up, Rollins," you muttered, his chuckle erupting through his chest and filling your ears.

You didn't really know Seth well; you saw him at all the company parties and get-togethers, but you never hung out with him one-on-one. You could appreciate his wrestling and the machine, better known as the Shield, that he had created. Even now, he wore that stiff vest that adorned the Shield logo.

You both entered the office, the bright lights shining overhead. Seth walked you over to the medical table, laying you down on the crinkly paper, making sure your head was laid down softly. He looked at your resting body for a moment and smirked briefly before turning and walking towards the exit.

"Thank you," you managed to whisper, sensing that he would be leaving. He paused in the door frame and looked back over his shoulder, his eyes glancing over your closed ones.

"Don't mention it," Seth dismissed you, turning around to face you now. "You behave for the doctor, now. Don't make Doctor Rollins have to come in here!" He warned you, realizing how stupid he sounded just seconds after saying it. His face flushed red, and he was grateful your closed eyes wouldn't see him.

You felt yourself blushing at his stupid joke, a chuckle rumbling in your chest. "Maybe I prefer Doctor Rollins?" You teased, slightly flirtatious.

There was a brief pause, and for a moment you were scared you weirded him out.

"Get better soon," Seth said gently, a smile on his face. "Doctor's orders."


UNEDITED - so don't kill me for grammar mistakes! Sorry this one kinda sucks, I wanted to get one out tonight so I could binge watch Supernatural 😉

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