| Seth Rollins | One Shot | Sick as a Dog

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"The tour went well, we're a little bruised, I've got a couple of cuts, but we're okay, we're all exhausted but we're on our way home. Seth passed out about an hour ago. How have you been?" Dean voiced through the phone. The three brothers had to go on a tour in India for a week, leaving you behind due to a shoulder injury you begrudgingly acknowledged. Seth insisted you stay since you weren't sure exactly what was wrong with your arm. After a good twenty minutes of trying to convince him to let you go, you caved, agreeing to sit this one out.

"I'm okay. I went grocery shopping this morning and picked up a few things. I'm making you guys some dinner, so I hope you'll be back by then. The apartment is too quiet without you guys here. I miss you three, I miss Seth," you told as you pulled some food out from the fridge, setting it on the counter behind you.

"We miss you too, the tour wasn't the same without you. It sucks you had to sit it out, but it was better that you did. Seth hasn't shut up about you the entire week, even after he called you and talked to you for an hour. Anyway, we should be home before eight, so it will be a late dinner," he said. You could hear the tiredness in his voice through the phone, knowing that they both were going to need at least fifteen or more hours of sleep before they were good again.

"Okay, I better let you go then. If Seth wakes up by then, tell him I miss him and that I can't wait to see him," you smiled, even though no one would see it.

"I will, we'll see you soon, Y/N."

You gathered the materials you would need to make your homemade mac and cheese, knowing it was one of Seth's favorite things you made, Roman and Dean taking a liking to it as well. They would be home within the next two hours.

You and Seth had just gotten together about a month ago, but you've known each other for years. You met him during you indie years, he was in the same company as you and he was part of your friend group. He was with another girl when you met him, but after her retirement and his promotion to NXT, you lost contact for three years. It wasn't until he saw you at one of his shows and invited you to come along with him and the guys that you really developed feelings for him. Last month, you realized he did too when he drunkenly confessed that he "like-liked" you. You had been going pretty strong since then.

You finished up making the mac and cheese, placing the slices of cheese on top along with the bread crumbs to crisp the top. The oven already preheated when you put it in, then setting the timer for forty-five minutes.

You thought it would be a good idea to wash some more of the boys laundry when your thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, revealing Dean and Roman carrying their duffel bags and no sign of Seth.

"You're early," you smiled as you walked over to them, wrapping your arms around each one of them. "Where's Seth?"

"In the car sleeping still. I think that kid could sleep through the zombie apocalypse," Roman joked. He picked up his bags and headed for his room while you made your way into the garage, your eyes landing on a sleeping Seth in the front seat of the truck. You climbed in the driver's seat and gently nudged him, startling him.

"It's me, Seth," you said quickly. He was pale, and had large bags underneath his eyes. He looked like he needed at least a week worth of sleep.

"Sorry, I missed you, sweet girl," he said while placing a kiss on your cheek. He climbed out of the car while you grabbed his bag from the backseat.

"I'm making mac and cheese for dinner. I thought you guys would like a little reward after the week you've had. I missed you Seth," you smiled while putting his bag on the living room table.

"I can't wait to climb into bed with you tonight, I've missed sleeping next to you, and cuddling with you even more," he confessed. You walked over to him wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug.

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