| Dean Ambrose | One Shot | Friendzone

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Dean Ambrose. The moment you heard that name when you were eleven years old, you were excited. You grew up in a family of wrestlers, moving around all the time didn't exactly help you in the friend department, so when you heard that Dean Ambrose was coming to stay with you and your parents in your house for the next few weeks, you were ecstatic. Your parents had volunteered to take him in as a protege for a little while since he showed such an interest in the sport your family treasured.

He was a boy, the same age as you. The moment you laid eyes on Dean, you knew that you wanted him in your life.

The few weeks that you spent together, there wasn't a moment the both of you weren't together. Whether you were exploring around your yard, or play-wrestling with each other in the ring in your basement, you were always together. You became best friends instantly.

You didn't see him again until you were sixteen. Your parents had just died in a tragic car crash on their way to a match and you were moving in with your Uncle Jason. It was the safest and only place you really knew. Jason was like a second father to you. He was always there for you. Dean had somehow caught wind of the news and found out where you were staying, making his way to your uncle's house saying he wanted to be with you in this hard time in your life. He had grown up much more since the last time you laid eyes on him. He had a little facial hair growing and he was at least six feet tall. He was attractive as hell.

He stayed at Jason's for two weeks. You spent that time catching up on what you'd missed in each others lives. He told you that had began to wrestle more and more, and how much he liked it. He told you about how school was going and how he was dating this girl for awhile. You felt yourself get a little jealous at the thought. Though Dean saw you as his best friend, a sister even, it didn't mean you didn't see him as something more. It was stupid to think that way, especially since your parents had just died and his basically didn't exist. What makes you think that a relationship would even work out?

You were now thirty, living and travelling with the Shield. They let you tag along when you were twenty five. You didn't wrestle, nor did you have any plans to. It reminded you too much of your parents. You did escort for them on occasion, helping them out back at the hotel by patching up injuries and icing bruises. Sure it was lonely sometimes, but it kept you alive.

After all this time, your feelings for Dean never wavered, in fact they grew stronger the more you saw him, the more late night conversations you had. You were in love with him, in love with a man that could never see you that way.

"Hey Y/N, what are you up to?" Dean asked as he entered the kitchen in your hotel room.

"Making you some chicken, it's healthier than you buying that junk food from a grocery store," you commented.

"You're too kind to me, you know that, sweetheart?" He winked at you, sending your heart flying. He did this often. Whether he called you sweetheart or winked at you. Sometimes his hand would linger a little longer than it was supposed to. He flirted with you sometimes too but he did that with everyone. It just hurt knowing that it meant nothing to him but everything to you.

"I know I am, even though you don't deserve it sometimes," you joked.

"I'm hurt, Y/N." he said as he put his hand on his chest. "I'll be back for my chicken."

While waiting for the chicken to cook, you grabbed Seth's laptop and began to look up recent news. Then you had an idea. You'd been binge watching episodes of Friendzone on MTV while the boys have been away at the gym. It got you thinking. What if you told Dean you were meeting up with someone for a blind date and have him help you get ready, only to tell him the date is for him? Sure he would tell you no, that he only sees you as a friend. But you and him have been friends for too long to let something like this come between you. Sure it would be weird for awhile but you could finally move on if he said no.

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