Pregnancy Series - Finding Out

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It was one month after your birthday. You hadn't brought babies up around Dean anymore. Dean didn't seem too angry about you mentioning it, but you didn't want to hash up an argument for nothing. The next few days had gone on normally, and after a heated night of sweet talking after a show, you woke up feeling...different.

You decided to keep it in the back of your mind, and things were normal again. So normal, you forgot about how you felt when you woke up that morning. That is, until you started to show some signs. You were feeling sick in the mornings, you had some weird cravings, your body ached...all the signs were there.

You decided it was time to settle the one thought in your mind. You didn't even dare to have one of your friends come over while you took the test. If it was positive, you didn't want there to be any way for Dean to find out without you telling him. For his sake, you hoped you wouldn't be telling him anything soon.

You left the test in the bathroom, pacing around the hotel bedroom for what seemed like hours. Once the time was up, you knew you had to go check. You didn't even want to look at it, it scared you that badly. You picked the test up with a shaky hand and eyed it for a long second before letting your eyes drift to the results.


You didn't feel anything. Not happy. Not sad. Nothing. Well, maybe you shouldn't say nothing...You felt sick. Nauseous. Seconds later, you were throwing up in the toilet, and you weren't sure if it was from the baby or your nerves.


Ever since you and Seth agreed to legitimately start trying for a baby, he urged you to take a test every morning after an attempt. You tried to tell him that you wouldn't know right away, but he was so insistent and excited that you try, you couldn't tell him no.

Now, you knew if you took a test, the result would be mostly accurate. You had waited the right amount of time, you had bought the right test...all there was to do now was take it. Seth was out at the gym with Roman and Dean, so now was the right time to do it. You would have loved to find out at the same time he did, but you couldn't bear to see the look on his face if it came back negative.

You called over your best friend, Becky, and the two of you waited as the test did its thing. You sat on the edge of your bed and talked about what you would name the kid, if you wanted a boy or a girl, and everything of this nature. Before you knew it, the timer on your phone went off; it was time to go check the test!

You and Becky went in, and you looked down expectantly at the results.


You felt crushed. How could it be negative? It was nearly impossible for it to be negative! You had been trying so much, you had wanted it so much. You felt tears of sadness brimming your eyes as you set the test back on the counter, trudging back into your room and collapsing on the bed.

Just then, you heard Becky call something from the bathroom. Alarmed and confused, you walked back into the bathroom to see what the heck was going on.

Apparently, you just had to wait a bit longer! The line was there now - you were expecting!


You and Roman had talked again about the child issue; you hadn't been able to get it out of your head. Were you disappointing Roman? Were you making him happy? The question had buzzed around in your head for weeks now.

After a long talk with Roman, you guys decided on letting fate decide. You agreed that you'd try one time, and if you became pregnant, then you'd both become parents, you for the first time. If you didn't become pregnant, then it would be a sign and you'd try again a year or two down the road.

Once the deed was done, it was all a waiting game. You noticed Roman becoming more gentle with you, more caring and he paid more attention to the small things you did or said. You started to think he was hoping you were pregnant, and just seeing that come out of him made you hope the same thing.

The time had come to take the test. You had banished Roman out to have a night with the guys while you said you needed some 'you time', not telling him that you intended on taking the test. If he knew, he would be watching for your reaction the second he got home.

You took the test and left it sitting on the bathroom sink, taking ten or fifteen minutes to go sit in the kitchen and answer some emails on your laptop and respond to some fans on social media - something you loved to do.

Once your time was up, you walked swiftly back to the bathroom, your heart beating hard in your chest. Here it was; the result that would change everything. You picked up the test and laid your eyes upon the results.


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