Pregnancy Series - He Comes Home

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You kicked the blanket off your body as you turned over in bed for the millionth time that night, unable to find a comfortable way to lay. The rare warm weather in Ohio, added with your growing stomach, made it harder to fall asleep each night. Tonight, it was especially hard to fall asleep since Seth was coming home sometime in the night.

As you closed your eyes again, you heard faint footsteps coming up the stairs and the bedroom door creaked open. Seth quietly took off his jacket and shoes, setting his suitcase by the door as he kept his eyes on you. You felt the bed dip with his weigh as he tried to slip into bed next to you, trying not to move the bed too much or wake you up.

"Seth?" You mumbled as you felt the covers lift for him to climb under.

"Yeah, Princess, it's just me." He replied softly, his voice filled with a familiar tone of safety and warmth. You could have cried at hearing him; for once in the past few weeks, you weren't hearing his voice through a phone. It was so amazing to hear him in person.He wiggled closer to you and wrapped his arms tightly around you, placing his hand on your rounded stomach.

"So happy you are home." You whispered sleepily, irritated that sleep decided to come and visit you now, after all these sleepless nights. "Missed you loads."

He chuckled and kissed your temple, his scent drifting into your nose. He smelled just as he did when he left - the same cologne and everything. "So did I. Now get some sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up." Seth promised you, running his hand through your hair just like you liked. You put your hand on the bottom of your bump and relaxed as Seth gently rubbed his hand over the curve of your stomach. "I can't believe how much they have grown," he said to himself, "thank you Y/N. You are giving me everything I could ever ask for and more; a little guy and a beautiful princess."


You clicked the home button on your phone to check the time for nearly the tenth time in the past five minutes. Everyone in the room could sense your anxiety as you frowned at the time and looked back out the window, waiting for Roman to return home. Lynne sat on the couch opposite you, a kind but worried smile plastered on her face.

"Come sit down honey, Roman will be here soon. Stop worrying so much, it's not good for little Basil." She said knowingly, reaching out and pulling you back to the couch. You let a breath and nodded, admitting to yourself that you were stressing too much over this.

"I know. I just miss him so much; and so does she, I can feel it." You paused, rubbing a hand over your baby bump in anticipation of a kick from your daughter. "I just-" You stopped when you heard a car park outside the house. Your face lit up brightly. "He's here!"

As you opened the front door, you saw Roman getting out of the car. "Rome!" You shouted happily, tears brimming your eyes as you laid eyes upon him for the first time in a while. It was so different than seeing him on the TV; this was real. He quickly looked in your direction as you walked as fast as you could towards him. He chuckled at you waddling towards him, his smile making your heart beat a mile a minute.

"I missed you so much!" He said, opening his arms for you. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your head on his shoulder. "You look more beautiful than when I left, babygirl." He whispered, holding you close. It was so nice to have his strong arms around you again. You snuggled into his chest, careful of your growing stomach between you and Roman.

"I love you, we both do." You said quietly, pulling away to look up at him. His smile grew, showing his dimples.

"I love my two girls, more than you'll ever know." He pressed his lips to yours, kissing you passionately as his family happily watched from inside.


You looked around the room that was going to become the nursery, but you haven't had a chance to work on it with Dean away and him not wanting you to do it alone; the room only had the crib in it at this moment. You ran your fingers along the dark wood, smiling to yourself at the thought of all the memories that would be made in this room. You began imagining a little boy asleep in the crib; he had Dean's hair and eyes, or maybe your eyes.

Focused on your thoughts, you didn't hear the front door unlock and Dean walk up the stairs. He guessed you might be having a nap, but as he walked passed the nursery, he stopped. He leaned against the door frame and watched you with interest, a smile on his face as he took you in. You looked so beautiful and happy; his mouth fell open a little when you saw your baby bump. He hadn't been gone long, but you have gotten bigger since he left.

You quickly snapped your head up and smiled when you saw him. "Deano!" You squealed as he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you, his hands resting on the peak of your stomach.

"Hi baby!" He whispered in your ear, his breath warm on your neck. "And hello to the little one."

You leaned back against him, happy to feel his touch again. "Welcome home. We missed you."

He smiled, his dimples showing and a gleam returning to his eye. "I can't believe he is going to be sleeping in here soon," he kissed your cheek, "and I can't wait."

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