When You Go On Dates

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You and Seth loved nothing more than going on long walks, occasionally jogs, in the cities you toured in. You'd explore the city, visiting a new coffee shop every day, and would wander around laughing and snapping photos. It relaxed both of you immensely and allowed you two to be absolutely free as you wandered. It was always amazing to just dawdle around the city, walking through busy streets and quiet parks; you would talk of anything and everything and would always take so many photos to document your adventures.


Dean liked his liquor, that wasn't a secret, but what he loved more (besides you) was dancing. He loved spending night s drinking with you, laughing loudly and talking excitedly and dancing terribly. He was a pitiful dancer; his rhythm was always off and his moves were few, but he always managed to put a smile on both of your faces when he did it, and you loved to dance with him. Your danced went along to a drunken rhythm but neither of you cared, you were too busy laughing to give a heck.


You and Roman loved going to the beach. You loved getting up extremely early and going to watch the sunrise and going out at night to watch the sunset. It was always too peaceful and romantic and it helped calm both of you down. Whenever either of you had a stressful day at work, the other would take you down to the beach where you'd walk along the sand, hand in hand, giggling about everything and nothing. It was always perfect and exactly what you needed.

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