Pregnancy Series - Picking Names

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"Why does it have to be so hard?" You groaned in complaint, closing your eyes and resting your hands on your baby bump. 

"We are picking our babies names, it should be fun, babe!" Seth said gently, leaning over from his spot on the couch to kiss your cheek. You and Seth had spent nearly an hour talking about what you would name the kids. Every name you had liked, he didn't, and every name he liked, you didn't.

"I know, but we have more names that we don't like than ones we do." You whimpered, leaning your head back on the couch. You slowly opened your eyes and put your head on his shoulder.

"How about you pick a boy name and I'll pick a girl name?" he suggested, trying to lighten your mood up a little bit. You smiled, thinking that was the best idea either of you have had all day. The room fell silent as you both looked through the lists you had written over the past few days.

"I really like Declan and Riley." You said quietly, looking up to him sheepishly, hoping he didn't shoot them down. You really had grown to like them, and if he shot it down, you might just cry and give up for the day.

"I like Declan more, what about Declan Oliver?" he proposed, making you smile. Seth temporarily shuffled through his papers to find his girl name, clearing his throat when he found the one he wanted. "How about Cora? It's different but cute and easy to say." He explained with a soft chuckle and a hopeful smile. You fell in love with the name as soon as he said it. You thought for a minute before looking at him.

"Cora Paige?" you asked.

"Perfect!" He agreed, pulling you into a loose hug. "Just don't let Paige know about it - she'll think it's a compliment." Seth laughed, causing you to chuckle too. 

"I love them," You squealed happily, "little Declan and Cora." Seth put his hand on yours on your stomach, "Good strong names for the little Rollins's."


"Are you reading to our little boy again?" Dean asked casually as he walked into the room, a faint smile on his face. You looked up at him from your spot on the comfy couch with a gentle shake of your head. 

"Actually, it's the baby name book from my mom," you replied, "thought I would have a look."

Dean gently picked up your feet and sat down, placing them on his lap as he leaned over and read the names over your shoulder. "Found any that you like?" he asked hopefully, raising his brows in questioning.

"I have highlighted a few I like," you admitted, "but it's scary to think that whatever name we pick, they are going to have for their whole life. What if it doesn't suit them or doesn't match them?" You stressed, rubbing your temple in an attempt to fight off another headache. Dean started rubbing your feet, trying to get you to calm down and just relax.

"Ugh, why didn't you come rub my feet an hour ago?" You joked in a whisper, making him laugh in that gravelly tone that made you melt every time. 

"How about you read me what you like and I'll kept doing this?" He offered. You nodded and flicked through the book, looking for your favorites. 

"For a boy, I liked Samuel, James and Cooper but I don't know." You told him, a whole wave of stress coming over you again just at the mere mention of the names . He thought for a minute and stopped rubbing your feet, looking at you cautiously before speaking up.

"Finley Ambrose." He said, pausing another moment for thought. "Finley James Ambrose." Dean corrected himself, looking to you for your support or denial.

"I love it. Finley." You purred, testing out the name on your tongue. Dean smiled and planted a kiss on your forehead before rubbing your baby bump affectionately.


"Before we talk about names, I need to say that we are not naming our daughter Reina or Rihanna." You said jokingly with a laugh shortly after, picking up the baby name book from the glass coffee table. You and Roman had put off picking out names for weeks, but you decided now was the time.

"Reina Reigns," he laughed with amusement, "I liked the sound of it. It would make an amazing wresting name." Roman pointed out with a playful grin.

You rolled your eyes at him beside you on the couch. "Do you have any other ideas?" You asked hopefully, but he shook his head.

"Okay, I'll read some and tell me what you think?" You told him, letting your eyes scan the names. "Jamie?" You read, seeing Roman frown from the corner of your eye. "Natalie?" You proposed and he shook his head quickly. "Amanda?" You asked one final time, your voice growing annoyed and irritated at his lack of guidance.

"No way! Give me the book!" Roman said with a light chuckle, taking it off you. You sighed and rested your hands on your baby bump, keeping yourself entertained by drawing small circles on the skin. He was quiet for a few minutes, turning page after page, his hazel eyes focusing on the words. He let out a breath of frustration, closing the book. "Who gave you this book? It's not even helping?" He groaned, throwing it back on the table carelessly.

You chuckled to yourself at his little temper tantrum. "I brought myself actually. I thought it would help us as we haven't had much luck on our own."

"Ok, let me think. I remember seeing a name I liked the other day." He admitted, closing his eyes in thought. "Basil."

Your eyes lit up, the name instantly going to your heart. "What about Carter as her middle name?" You chimed in, looking to him for approval.

"Basil Carter Reigns," He confirmed, a smile on his face.

"I love it. It's unique, yet modern." You squealed with joy, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Glad we worked that out," he smiled, kissing your lips.


If you guys have a chance, I'd really appreciate it if you gave my new book (Guilty Until Proven Innocent) a read! It's Renee and Dean and it had a really interesting twist, so go give it a look!

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