| Roman | One Shot | Scars

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  I don't know what it is that makes me so crazy about him. Maybe it's the way he looks at me when I laugh, or the way he makes sure I'm okay before I go to bed. Everything about him makes the world a little less scary when I know I'm with him.


You were in your way back from a late night Raw, driving in the massive truck that the Shield all carpooled in. Seth was fast asleep in the backseat, Dean staring out the window moodily, while you sat in the front next to Roman, trying not to fall asleep. It was dark and you were hours away from the next hotel. Roman didn't look tired at all, which was surprising for him. Usually by this time, he was ready to go to bed.

"Y/N, you look really tired. Get some sleep. We still have two hours until we're there." Roman said quietly so he wouldn't wake Seth, looking at you with a little concern in his eyes.

"It's only two hours. I'd rather be in a bed to sleep. It's a lot more comfortable there. I'll be fine." You assured him with a soft smile and a pat on his arm.

"If you're uncomfortable then you can sleep on my lap. I won't mind. It's more comfortable than resting your head on the window." He suggested with a slight smile on his face, and you heard Dean grumble something under his breath before turning his back to the both of you in some attempt to get sleep for himself.

"Rome, really, it's okay. I can make it, but thanks anyway." You smiled at him sincerely as he continued to drive down the quiet road, the low hum of the radio being the only source of noise.

It was about two-thirty when you drove up to the hotel, and you could barely keep your eyes open. Seth and Dean were awake now and they helped Roman unpack the car while you stumbled out, yawning as you grabbed a random duffle bag and brought it towards the place where your co-workers were residing. You all checked in and went up to your massive room that you all shared, placing the bags on the small table by the door as you walked into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. You needed it before you went to bed because it seemed to keep you calm during the night and fight of the nightmares you got too often.

"Y/N, let me finish making your tea, you go get ready for bed and I'll bring it in to you, okay?" Roman quietly said while softly grabbing your shoulders. You heart raced at his touch.

"I'm fine, it's okay. Why are you being so nice to me tonight?" You questioned. "I'm not complaining, though."

"I know your match hit a little close to home...what happened with your partner, and the things Nikki said to you. I didn't want to bring it up with Seth and Dean in the car. I just want to make it a little easier on you." he half smiled. You gave him a slight smile to show that you appreciated his concern, and by that time your tea was done.

"Thanks Rome. Goodnight." You said, exhaustion laced in your voice. Before you walked away, Roman puts his arms around you and gave you a hug - one of those hugs he gives to show that he's here for you if you want to talk. You hugged him, not wanting to let go but you knew you had to.

"Goodnight, Y/N. I'll see you at training tomorrow." He said while letting you go to your room with your cup of tea.

Roman was right. The match was really hard on you and it hit close to home. Nikki had been trash-talking you in the match and mentioned your old relationship. You didn't have a good relationship in the first place but it became worse when he drank. He did awful things to you when you were with him. Nikki knew things about you, knew what your ex boyfriend had done to you and she used that as a way to get to you. Roman was the only one who knew about what happened between you and your ex, only because you walked out halfway through the match. He wasn't going to drop it until he knew. He only knew a little about it. You never went into detail.  You also never talked about the things the she-devil said to you.

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