When You Get Into An Arguement

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Roman doesn't show it at first, but he is very insecure about relationships, even more so about the relationship the two of you share. The two of you were best friends before you became something more, and that scared him. He knows how well getting attached to someone in this life goes, and he's terrified that something is going to happen to you. Not to mention the fact that he thinks you can do way better than him. He starts to pull away a bit, then more and more as the weeks go on. Of course you notice, and decide to question him about it. The whole thing blows up from there, that's when the truth finally comes pouring out. You try to assure him that you love him in every way. You tell him what he calls weakness, you call strength. You defend every characteristic he hates about himself and reassure him over and over that they are just things to love about him, but he brushes it off like it's nothing. The two of you continue arguing back and forth for what seems like hours before you can't take it anymore, turning in for the night. And in the middle of the night, when he finally joins you in bed, thinking you're already asleep; he kisses your cheek, whispers that he loves you, and asks you to never leave him. 


At the beginning of your relationship, it was all kisses and cuddles, but as it progressed, and you both fell hard for each other, Dean backs off. He has never been one for relationships, let alone love for that matter. Everyone around him always leaves him, whether they die, or they walk away from him. When he realizes he's falling for you, he feels like he should dial it back. He stops giving you kisses during the day, he'll stop holding your hand before you go out for a match or back in the front seat of his truck. He barely looks at you anymore. Sure he'll kiss you good night, but he'll pull away afterwards, turning to face the other side. What he doesn't realize is how much it's hurting you. You can't stand it any longer, so you decide to question him about it one evening. You blame yourself, thinking it was you who wasn't good enough for him. You knew that you weren't the typical girl that Dean would go after, and you knew he would be settling for you. He lets you talk, let all of your pent up anger and frustration out before he puts his part in. He doesn't say much, not denying that you aren't good enough, not denying any of your accusations, only making you feel worse. He finally breaks, shouting that he can't do this anymore. You quickly make your way to your old bedroom before he could even continue. You hear the faint sound of a bottle smashing. As soon as the door closes, sobs rack your body. The first though that crosses your mind is that you need to leave. Dean hears your muffled cries through the closed door, then realizes his huge mistake. He really hurt you, and the last thing he wanted to do was make you cry. He quickly made his way into the room, tears fill his eyes as he see's your body curled on the bed. The only thing that came out was those three words, causing you to look up. Maybe everything would be okay if he finally let himself love with all he has.


The perks of dating a WWE Superstar, well there are many perks, one being able to travel the world. Things don't come easy for the two of you, especially when you and Seth started dating. He's a little unsure at first, so he asks Roman and Dean what a boyfriend should do? They explain that a boyfriend should protect his girl from any kind of danger, kiss and hug her whenever he can, and flowers never hurt. Both of them had their own ideas about it. Seth takes these words and puts them into actions. First it began with matches, jumping in front of the surprise attacks you wouldn't get hurt. At first, it was okay, he was saving you, but he continually did it. Then he would stand in front of you or sit really close to you at bars, following you wherever you went. You couldn't take it any longer, and you lost it on him. He didn't quite understand why you were so angry with him. He was only protecting you from any possible harm, he defended. You shouted that you were completely capable of protecting yourself; you were a trained wrestler. You didn't need to be protected from Divas or random men in the bar. You didn't need walked to the bar counter to get another couple of drinks for you and the guys. He tried to defend his case, and that only made you more mad. You told him to stay away from you for awhile, saying you needed time to yourself, and he needed time to realize that he doesn't need to be there with you every second of the day. When he finally comes to this realization, he picks out some flowers, and apologizes, fully understanding he was wrong to follow you around 24/7. He promises he will always protect you, but now, he will do it from backstage.  

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