Pregnancy Series - While He's Gone (Your POV)

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"Thanks for coming over today Galina and Renee." You chuckled, pausing briefly as they both found a seat in you and Seth's living room. They both looked at you with kind smiles, but you knew why they were really here. "I know Seth asked you both to look after me while he was away, but I'm fine, really." You insisted, gesticulating your thoughts through small hand motions. This wasn't some friendly visit - Seth had asked them to come see you.

Renee nodded and smiled at me brightly, her happy and perky attitude showing through her smile. "We know you are. He is only worried about you. He doesn't want anything to happen to you while he isn't here." Renee promised me, sinking back against the couch after plopping a grape into her mouth.

"It's not a bad thing. I love when we have days like this. Just us girls." You reassured her, not wanting to seem as if you didn't want to hang out with your girls.

"Oh, and watching movies and eating lots of food!" Galina chimed in, causing both you and Renee to laugh at her spontaneous comment.

Just then, an ad about the current out of country tour appeared on the tv - the one Seth was on. The three of you began singing to the song that played in the background; you had heard it a million times, of course. You giggled but suddenly stopped when you felt one of the twins move. Renee and Galina stopped and looked at you worriedly.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Galina asked first, her brows furrowing together.

"Feel. Here." You whispered as you grabbed her hand and placed it on the side of your baby bump. Her face lit up as she felt the baby kick against her hand.

"Active little girl!" She said amazed, her eyes flickering to Renee as if she wanted her to get in on that baby moving action. You looked at Renee just as you felt a kick to your ribs.

"Renee, feel." You instructed her, placing her hand over the spot of your little boy's movements.

"They really like to hear you singing." Renee said, rubbing your stomach lightly.

"Or their aunties voices!" You countered jokingly, watching their smiles grow. Although the twins weren't even here yet, everyone already loved them so much and would do anything for them.


"What about this one honey?" Patricia - Roman's mother- asked, holding up a soft pink colored dress with floral patterns along the bottom.

"It's beautiful!" You replied, feeling the soft fabric between your fingers. You had still been staying with Roman's mother, and in an attempt to keep you occupied, she insisted on taking you and one of Roman's many cousins shopping for the day.

"Ohhh I like it, and this one!" Roman's cousin, Lynne, said, showing you another that she had just pulled from the rack. You giggled, taking them both in your hand and walking to the dressing room. Since today was a sunny day, you had decided on a girl's day; shopping and spoiling yourselves; the first stop, a cute maternity store.

"What do you think?" You said, walking out and twirling in a circle, putting on a small show for the two women.

"Gorgeous!" Patricia said, beaming with pride as she looked at you. You blushed and smoothed the fabric over your rounded stomach.

"I love it, too!" Lynne chimed in. "Try the another one on as well."

You nodded and returned to the dressing room to start the task of redressing yourself. Soon enough, this simply task would take lots of energy to complete. As you zipped up the dress, you smiled to yourself. 'Roman would love this one.' You thought to yourself before flashing a smile at your reflection and turning to exit the dressing room. You walked out and their faces lit up like yours had.

"You are totally getting that one!" Lynne laughed, earning a nod of agreement from Patricia. You took off the dresses and met the girls at the counter.

"Thank you for today!" You said as you paid for the dresses.

"It's been wonderful, love!" Patricia replied, leaning over and kissing your cheek. As you all walked out of the store, something caught your eye, making you stop; a little white bunny.

"It's so adorable." You whispered, touching the stuffed animal's soft fur. Patricia and Lynne walked towards me and smiled.

"I think the baby will love it," Patricia commented, "she will probably end up carrying it around with her everywhere she goes."


"I remember having ultrasounds when I was pregnant with you. It was always so exciting to see you as a little baby." Your mom said happily, reminiscing the good old days of her pregnancy as she looked around the small room. "Now, you're becoming a mother." She whispered joyfully, breaking her eyes away from the sonogram room to look at you with teary, happy eyes.

You smiled and looked down at your rounded stomach, running your fingers along the tender skin; although you had heard the heartbeat and felt the baby move, it was amazing to think that there was a baby growing in there.

"How are you feeling honey?" she continued, standing beside the bed you were laying on while you both waited for the doctor to return. You couldn't help but grin at her mother-like persistence - she didn't get to see you much due to the constant travelling work demanded.

"Good, I'm good, just missing Dean." You replied, not mentioning the sicknesses you tended to have in the middle of the night - no need to get her worrying. She gently pushed the hair off your face, a smile lighting up her familiar eyes.

"I'm so proud of you sweetheart."

You felt your eyes fill with tears, but you blinked them away as the door opened. You and your mother were as close as you could be given the situation your job put you in, so it wasn't often that you got to have heart to heart moments.

"Ready to see your baby, Miss Y/L/N?" The doctor asked sweetly as she reentered the room, closing the door lightly behind her as she made her way over to you. She sat down in a rolling chair and rolled next to you, grabbing all the things she would need. You nodded to her and rolled up your top, revealing the growing bump. Your mom took your hand in both of hers, giving it a light squeeze as she watched with gleaming eyes.

"It may be a little cold at first!" The doctor explained, but by now you were plenty experienced and knew what to expect. You jumped a little at the coldness of the gel - even though you expected it-, making your mom giggle. As the doctor moved the wand over your stomach, you watched the screen closely.

"Oh my, there he is." Your mom whispered, her face completely enthralled with awe at the first live glimpse at the baby. "He's so small." She laughed giddily, her laughter contagious as you began to laugh too. She was so happy to see her first grandchild. She looked down at you, tears in her eyes. "Thank you." She whispered, kissing your forehead. "Thank you for giving me a grandchild. He is perfect."

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