The Truth

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The farther away we get from Arcadia Bay, the quieter Max becomes.

I mean, Max is always quiet, but this just takes the cake.

I'm sure mice make more fucking noise.

I sigh impatiently and drum my fingers over the steering wheel.


I've been driving for the past two hours and she still hasn't said a word, Max just keeps staring out the window at the world passing by.

"You ok?" I ask in a small, unsure voice.

I know that that's a stupid fucking question to ask a person who just sacrificed a whole town to keep you alive but.... I'm really worried about her.


Still, no response.

The cab of the truck is eerily silent.


This time, I reach over and grab her hand.

Her body is still tense, but she lets me hold her limp hand, either not having the energy or just not interested in returning the gesture.

I give it a slight squeeze which gets some reaction.

Max nods absently, seeming lost in her own thoughts and worries.

"You can always talk to me ok," I say, not wanting to force her into answering.

I keep trying for small talk, asking if she's hungry or needs a rest stop.

But she just shrugs and shrinks farther into the seat, wallowing in her own depression.

Half an hour passes and still nothing, so by now, I'm starting to panic, thinking about all those stories I've heard about people who go through traumatic experiences like this and are never the same afterward.

I'm thinking about one such story when all of a sudden I feel a small, warm hand rest on my lap.

I turn, looking up her arm to see Max staring right at me.

Her face looks so sad and just... cold and dark... almost... emotionless.

"Chloe?" she says in a weak, broken voice that tugs at my heart.

"Yeah, what's up?" I say eagerly, relieved to hear her voice again.

She takes a moment before replying again, her lower lip quivering as tears spring in her eyes.

"I.... I ... I'm so sorry", Max cries again, slowly crumbling before my eyes.

I stare at her for a second, tears forming in my own eyes.

I knew she was going to feel guilty for this, for... for basically killing thousands but she chose me for some reason and I want with all my heart for her to focus on that.

That I'm still alive and with her.

I shake my head and pull the truck off the highway, unsure if I can continue driving with her like this.

I hesitate for a second, but extend my arms out to her, offering comfort.

And just like a magnet, Max's arms shoot out and embrace me tightly, getting herself as close to me as she can.

I let out a little yelp at the sheer force she hugs me at.

I've never seen her like this, so sad and scared... so vulnerable .

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