The Tree

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The sun has almost completely disappeared behind the horizon by the time Max and I return to the large open field we stopped at nearly a year ago. I try not to think about what when down here, but it's hard to forget considering I almost fucked everything up between me and Max because of my insecurities and anxiety to be in a relationship with the girl I grew up with and the girl who means the world to me.

I sigh softly, catching Max's attention immediately.

"... Why don't we stop here for the night? We can watch the sunset," she says, moving her legs off my lap and awaiting my response.

I turn to her, utterly surprised that she'd want to stay in a place that holds such a negative memory, but I guess this is nothing compared to Arcadia Bay.

"Okay..." I mutter, still a little shocked and confused.

She can tell that I'm lamenting on the past, and even though she doesn't always know what to do, Max does her best to help me through the more painful memories. So, as I pull the truck over to the side of the road, I feel Max take my hand in her, her fingers absently fidgeting with the promise ring on my finger.

Remember where you are right now, I tell myself, where you once were doesn't matter anymore.

Live in the now.

Your life is happening right now, Chloe.

Focus on that.

Focus on Max.

"We're okay," she whispers.

I release a small chuckle and smile.

"We're okay," I repeat, getting her to smile back.

We lean in and press our foreheads together, our hands and fingers intertwined as we lock ourselves in this perfect moment in time.

"I love you," I mutter softly against her lips.

"Me too," she replies, closing the short distance between us as we kiss, "Now come on... let's go".

I stay still for a moment as Max pulls away, taking the spare blanket we keep in the back seat with her.

How do you do it? I ask myself, How can you act like nothing's wrong? Like I didn't almost ruin your life right here?

How can you move on from something like this?

How are you not still upset?

That's the one thing I admire most about Max, I guess... her ability to let go and move on.

Well, it might actually be an act but, god, how I wish I could do the same.

I have so much hurt inside me.

And only Max can seem to make it go away.

"Chloe? Helloo?".

I jump when Max taps on my window, making me realize that I'm still sitting in the truck, lost in my thoughts.

"Sorry," I mutter, waiting for Max to step back before I open the door, "Just thinking".

The air is filled with the familiar chill of autumn and I pull my jacket closer to my body as I follow Max over to the tall tree, this time walking at a leisurely pace, walking hand in hand beside each other.

"Don't you just love this time of year?" Max asks suddenly.

I nod and look around, the chill wind blowing through my hair.

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